sends discord server messages to a phone via sms.
connects a single number with an entire discord server.
for my friend with windows phone and without regular computer access.
can be easily modified to just a single channel.
- requires a verified account (ie, add a credit card) in heroku
- and a non-trial account (ie, put $20 in and buy a $1/mo phone #) in twilio
- you'll need to keep heroku alive somehow, or else it'll regularly sleep. i'm using python http gets every 15m via a crontask running on an aws free tier, though you could probably host the whole thing on aws free tier.
DON'T make this a public repo or fork it publicly. your twilio and discord secret keys will be publicly exposed (bad)
store them in shell environment variables or use a private repo or don't push this to a public github repo.
- create discord app, make it into a bot, get discord bot token and client ID
- add discord bot to a server you have permissions to via
- create twilio account, get a number and twilio account sid and auth token
- put these tokens in the corresponding fields in and
- fill out the rest of the variables in these two files (phone number, bot name, url)
- set up heroku account, install heroku-toolbelt, heroku login
- set up heroku app
heroku create discord-sms -s cedar
from inside this repo - set sms url in twilio settings to point to heroku app url (
heroku open
) - finally,
heroku ps:scale web=1 worker=1
debug problems w heroku logs
or shoot me a message on twitter. feedback's appreciated!
thanks to zoe helding for her help.