Terminal and browser are what a web developer really need on a creative journey.
My currently preferred stack
if (( MacOS and Nix ) or ( NixOS and Gnome ))
and ( Fish and Git and Dotbot )
and ( Ruby or Python or Node )
and ( YAML or LibSQL or ( Postgres and PostgREST ))
and ( Stylus and Slim and CoffeeScript )
"I'm a unicorn like you, let's chat!"
"I can help you become a mythical creature like me, let's chat."
My "too old for this tech" table, or "I forgot how that tech was called" table , if you will.
Category | Items |
Browsers | Chrome, Chromium, IE6-8, Netscape-Mozilla-Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thor, Web (Epiphany) |
Bundlers | PostCSS, RequireJS, esbuild, parcel, postcss, vite, webpack |
CLI Tools | awk, curl, dig, find, grep, htop, ip, nmap, nslookup, ping, socat, rename, rsync, scp, sed, ssh, traceroute, wget, whois, wp-cli, xargs |
Code Editors | Adobe Dreamweaver, Aptana, Atom, Brackets, Coffeecup HTML Editor, Eclipse, Nano, NetBeans, Notepad++, PHPStorm, Sublime text, TextMate, VSCode, Vim, WebStorm |
Communication | Discord, Gmail, Google Meet, Hey, Skype, Slack, Telegram, Whatsapp, Zoom |
Database Clients | Adminer, Sequel Pro, TablePlus, pgAdmin, phpMyAdmin |
Databases | CouchDB, Google Spreadsheet, MariaDB, MySQL, Percona, Postgres, Redis, SQLite |
Frameworks | Backbone, Bootstrap, CodeIgniter, Express, FastAPI, Fastify, Flight, Hotwire, Laravel, Nuxt, React, Ruby on Rails, Tailwind, Vue |
Graphic Design | Figma, Gimp, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Pixelmator, Sketch |
Javascript Libraries | RTLCSS, date-fn, jQuery, lodash, underscore |
Language Managers | asdf, fnm, nvm, pyenv, rbenv, rvm |
Languages | AppScript, CoffeeScript, Gherkin, JavaScript, PHP, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, SQL, Shell |
Linters and Formatters | Black, ESlint, Editorconfig, PHPCBF, PHP_CodeSniffer, Prettier, Rubocop, StyleLint |
Markup Languages | CSS, HTML, Less, Markdown, SASS, SVG, Stylus |
Officeware | Alfred, Google Workplace, Raycast |
Operation Systems | Android, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, iOS, iPadOS, macOS since Leopard, NixOS, Ubuntu desktop && server, Windows 98 to XP |
Package Managers | Brew, Bundler, Composer, apt, dpkg, gem, mas, nix, npm, opkg, pip, pipenv, pnpm, rpm, virtualenv, yarn |
Platforms | Drupal, Eleventy, Ghost, Jekyll, Joomla, Middleman, Shopify, WordPress |
Project and Task Managers | Asana, Basecamp, ClickUp, JIRA, Microsoft Todo, Monday, Notion, TickTick, Todoist, Trello |
Routers | OpenWRT, RouterOS, pfSense |
Server Virtualization | Docker and compose, LazyDocker, Parallels, Proxmox, Synology DSM, Ubuntu server, Vagrant, VirtualBox, unRAID |
Shells | bash, fish, zsh |
Structured Text Formats | CSV, CalDav, CardDav, ICS, INI, JSON Schema, JSON, OpenAPI, TOML, VCard, XML, YAML |
Task Runners and Deployers | Ant, Capistrano, Deployer, Fabric, Gulp, Rake, Taskfile, WordMove |
Template Engines | Blade, ERB, Haml, Handlebars, Jinja, Liquid, Nunjucks, Pug, Slim, Smarty, Timber, Twig, mjml, mustache, swig, underscore |
Terminal Emulators | Console, Kitty, iTerm |
Testing | Bruno, Chrome Devtools, Cucumber, Cypress, Firebug, Jasmine, Jest, Minitest, Node, PHPUnit, Postman, Puppeteer, RSpec, Selenium, Xdebug |
Text Editors | Apple Notes, GoodNotes, Notepad, Obsidian, Simplenote, iA Writer |
Time Trackers | Everhour, Toggl |
Version Control | git, mercury, svn |
Window and Tile Managers | Gnome, Magnet, Moom, Unity, Yabai |
The table in active shaping and adjustment โ see it's evolution on the commits page. Might build a script to maintain it ๐ค.