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Author Disambiguation

This project can be used for coreference of scientific authors at a large scale using a fast hierarchical clustering algorithm. Due to variety of data and the algorithm's sensitivity to such changes, the model feature template parameters must be tuned for new data sets. The given parameters will likely require changes for your application and can produce bad results out of the box. To tune these parameters, if you have a development set, please consider using grid searches over candidate values that you believe to be reasonable. Also, I recommend picking cases from your development set to inspect by hand to understand system performance and looking at an error analysis of the results is recommended. If you have questions or would like to discuss this more, please contact Nicholas Monath (first dot last at gmail dot com).


  • Java (1.7 or later)
  • Maven
  • MongoDB
  • Scala

Building the project

Use maven to compile and package the code:

mvn clean package

This will create a self contained jar with all of the project dependencies here:


This jar will be used to run the various components of the project.

To depend on this project, use maven to install the jar locally:

mvn install

and add the following to your pom.xml:


Implementation Overview

Ambiguous author mentions are represented by the data structure AuthorMention. This data structure serves as the input to the coreference algorithm and contains the fields used as features in the disambiguation.

An AuthorMention is defined as a Cubbie, a serializable object interface from factorie. It has the following fields:

class AuthorMention extends CorefMention {
  // The author in focus for this mention
  val self = new CubbieSlot[Author]("self", () => new Author())
  // The co-authors listed on the publication
  val coauthors = new CubbieListSlot[Author]("coauthors",() => new Author())
  // The title of the publication
  val title = new StringSlot("title")
  // The words of the title that will be used in the word embedding representation of the title
  val titleEmbeddingKeywords = new StringListSlot("titleEmbeddingKeywords")
  // The topics discovered using LDA or similar method
  val topics = new StringListSlot("topics")
  // The raw string text containing the abstract and/or body of the publication
  val text = new StringSlot("text")
  // A tokenized version of the text
  val tokenizedText = new StringListSlot("tokenizedText")
  // The venue(s) of publication
  val venues = new CubbieListSlot[Venue]("venues", () => new Venue())
  // The keywords of the publication
  val keywords = new StringListSlot("keywords")
  // The canopies to which the mention belongs
  val canopies = new StringListSlot("canopies")
  // For cases where the mention belongs to a single canopy
  val canopy = new StringSlot("canopy")
  // Where the mention came from
  val source = new StringSlot("source")

The AuthorMention inherits the following fields from its parent class CorefMention:

trait CorefMention extends CubbieWithHTMLFormatting {
  def mentionId: StringSlot = new StringSlot("mentionId")
  def entityId: StringSlot = new StringSlot("entityId")

There is support for serializingAuthorMentions to JSON (see Custom Experiment for more details). You may also write code to load your data directly into the AuthorMention objects, or, as was done for the Rexa and ACL data (shown in more detail below) define a intermediate data structure which is then converted into an AuthorMention.

These AuthorMention data structures are disambiguated by implementations of the CoreferenceAlgorithm trait.

The CoreferenceAlgorithms have the following functionality:

 trait CoreferenceAlgorithm[MentionType <: CorefMention] {
   val name = this.getClass.ordinaryName
    * The mentions known to the algorithm
    * @return
   def mentions: Iterable[MentionType]
    * Run the algorithm 
   def execute(): Unit
    * Run the algorithm using numThreads
    * @param numThreads - number of threads to use
   def executePar(numThreads: Int)
    * Return pairs of mentionIds and entityIds
    * @return
   def clusterIds: Iterable[(String,String)]

Implementations of this algorithm include the Hierarchical method at the focus of the project and a baseline deterministic approach. The constructor the hierarchical method is easy to use:

class HierarchicalCoreferenceAlgorithm(opts: AuthorCorefModelOptions, override val mentions: Iterable[AuthorMention], keystore: Keystore, canopyFunctions: Iterable[AuthorMention => String], nameProcessor: NameProcessor) extends CoreferenceAlgorithm[AuthorMention] with IndexableMentions[AuthorMention]

The following pseudocode is meant to express its usage:

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val opts = new AuthorCorefModelOptions
    // Load the mentions 
    val mentions = LoadAuthorMentions(authorMentionsFile)
    // Load the word embeddings
    val keystore = InMemoryKeystore.fromCmdOpts(opts)
    // Define the canopy functions 
    val canopyFunctions = Iterable((a:AuthorMention) => Canopies.fullName(a.self.value), (a:AuthorMention) => Canopies.lastAndFirstNofFirst(a.self.value,3))

    // Use a name processor
    val nameProcessor = CaseInsensitiveReEvaluatingNameProcessor

    // Initialize the algorithm
    val algorithm = new HierarchicalCoreferenceAlgorithm(opts,authorMentions,keystore,canopyFunctions,nameProcessor)
    // Run the algorithm
    // Print the results

The downside to the CoreferenceAlgorithm framework is that it requires that all of the mentions fit into memory. The alternative ParallelCoreference framework instead loads the mentions as needed from storage on disk.

The ParallelCoreference trait stores a listing of CorefTask objects:

def allWork: Iterable[CorefTask]

The CorefTask objects store a list of mention ids that will be used to retrieve the AuthorMention objects:

case class CorefTask(name: String, ids: Iterable[String])

The ParallelCoreference trait instantiates a thread pool of worker threads that operate over the CorefTask objects. Each CorefTask is handled in the same way:

def handleTask(task: CorefTask): Unit = {
    // Fetch the mentions of the task
    val taskWithMentions = getMentions(task)
    // Create a new instance of a CoreferenceAlgorithm to process the mentions
    val alg = algorithmFromTask(taskWithMentions)
    // Process the mentions
    // Write the results
    val wrtr = writer
    wrtr.write(task, alg.clusterIds)

Currently the code is set up to use MongoDB to store the mentions on disk. The AuthorMention objects are directly serializable to MongoDB since they extend the Cubbie class. The wrapper to the MongoDB is defined in the class AuthorMentionDB. This class extends the general interface to Mongo, MongoDatastore, which provides functionality such as:

  def bufferedInsert(cubbies: Iterator[T], bufferSize: Int) 
  def addIndices()

The AuthorMentionDB has an index on the mentionID field; it can be queried using the following method:

override def get(key: String)

The class ParallelHierarchicalCoref extends the ParallelCoreference interface using the hierarchical method for disambiguation. The constructor for this class is as follows:

class ParallelHierarchicalCoref(override val allWork: Iterable[CorefTask], // The coreference tasks to execute
                                override val datastore: Datastore[String, AuthorMention], // access to the database storing author mentions
                                opts: AuthorCorefModelOptions, // the model parameters
                                keystore: Keystore, // word embedding database
                                canopyFunctions: Iterable[(AuthorMention => String)], // the canopy functions to use
                                outputDir: File, // the output directory
                                override val nameProcessor: NameProcessor // the name processor to use
                                ) extends StandardParallelCoreference(allWork,datastore,outputDir) 

The usage of the ParallelHierarchicalCoref class can be see in the RunParallelCoreference class. It's usage is demonstrated below:

val opts = new RunParallelOpts

// Load all of the coref tasks into memory, so they can easily be distributed among the different threads
val allWork = LoadCorefTasks.load(new File(opts.corefTaskFile.value),opts.codec.value)

// Create the interface to the MongoDB containing the mentions
val db = new AuthorMentionDB(opts.hostname.value, opts.port.value, opts.dbname.value, opts.collectionName.value, false)

// The lookup table containing the embeddings. 
val keystore = InMemoryKeystore.fromCmdOpts(opts)

// Create the output directory
new File(opts.outputDir.value).mkdirs()

// Canopy Functions
// Convert the strings into canopy functions (mappings of authors to strings) and then to functions from author mentions to strings
val canopyFunctions = => (authorMention: AuthorMention) => fn(authorMention.self.value))

// Name processor
// The name processor to apply to the mentions
val nameProcessor = NameProcessor.fromString(opts.nameProcessor.value)

// Initialize the coreference algorithm
val parCoref = new ParallelHierarchicalCoref(allWork,db,opts,keystore,canopyFunctions,new File(opts.outputDir.value),nameProcessor)

// Run the algorithm on all the tasks

// Write the timing info
val timesPW = new PrintWriter(new File(opts.outputDir.value,"timing.txt"))
timesPW.println( => f._1 + "\t" + f._2).mkString("\n"))

// display the timing info

About the methods

This project contains a implementation of a modified version of the hierarchical clustering method described in:

  • Wick, Michael, Sameer Singh, and Andrew McCallum. "A discriminative hierarchical model for fast coreference at large scale." Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Long Papers-Volume 1. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012.
  • Wick, Michael, Ari Kobren, and Andrew McCallum. "Large-scale author co-reference via hierarchical entity representations." Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning. 2013.

Setting up code to run

Please see this doc


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