This project was made using the TDD (Test Driven Development) method. It simulates a trunfo card game. You can choose which trunfo cards theme you want. The card Title, image, description, rarity and atributtes are choosed typing in the form. A preview card will show your new card. The save button is disabled if the atributes pass 210. Each one of the atributtes can't pass 90. In the image input you must add the image source. By clicking the save button the card is added to your stash. In the filter section the user can filter your cards by: Name, rarity and trunfo. The user can also remove each card by clicking the delete button.
This project was developed by Igor Carvalho while studying at Trybe.
Used tecnologies
- CSS Flexbox
- JavaScript
- JavaScript DOM and Events
- JavaScript ES6
- React
How to use my project
First of all, clone the repositorie
git clone * SSH key *
Then, enter the cloned repositoriecd * directorie name *
Then, install the project dependencies in the terminalnpm install
Finally, open the game in the terminalnpm start
How to test
How i`ve said, this code was made by TDD method, so you can also test the program, to see if it`s working properly.
> Warning: all the tests was made by Trybe!
Just type in the terminal
- `npm test`