feat: feedback_vertex_set()
3 errors and 2 warnings
Build wheels
Command ['python', '-m', 'pip', 'wheel', '/Users/runner/work/python-igraph/python-igraph', '--wheel-dir=/private/var/folders/m4/5dz5h26x329cqq4fx333f8gm0000gn/T/cibw-run-y29taxhp/cp38-macosx_x86_64/built_wheel', '--no-deps'] failed with code 1.
Build wheels
Process completed with exit code 1.
Install Python
[notice] A new release of pip is available: 21.1.1 -> 24.2
[notice] To update, run: python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Install OS dependencies
Treating cmake as a formula. For the cask, use homebrew/cask/cmake or specify the `--cask` flag.
Install OS dependencies
cmake 3.30.2 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 3.30.2, run:
brew reinstall cmake