Run your MapReduce workloads as a single binary on a single machine with multiple CPUs and high memory. Pricing of a lot of small machines vs heavy machines is the same on most cloud providers.
Context to start using gomap:
import ""
Utils and types (for conversions):
import (
package main
import (
// Print a wordcount of an input file
func main() {
c := context.New()
err := c.Read("testdata/sentences.txt").FlatMap(func(str types.RawInput) []types.RawOutput {
return utils.StringArrayToRawOutput(strings.Split(string(str), " "))
}).MapToKV(func(input types.RawInput) (types.RawOutput, types.RawOutput) {
return utils.RawInputToRawOutput(input), utils.StringToRawOutput("1")
}).ReduceByKey(func(a, b types.RawInput) types.RawOutput {
return utils.IntToRawOutput(utils.RawInputToInt(a) + utils.RawInputToInt(b))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: %s", err)
package main
import (
// define parquet schema
type ParquetLine struct {
Word string `parquet:"name=word, type=UTF8"`
Count int64 `parquet:"name=count, type=INT64"`
// Print a wordcount of an input file
func main() {
c := context.New()
err := c.ReadParquet("s3://bucket/directory/", new(ParquetLine)).MapToKV(func(input types.RawInput) (types.RawOutput, types.RawOutput) {
var line ParquetLine
err := utils.RawDecode(input, &line)
if err != nil {
return utils.StringToRawOutput(line.Word), utils.RawEncode([]ParquetLine{line})
}).ReduceByKey(func(a, b types.RawInput) types.RawOutput {
var line1 []ParquetLine
var line2 []ParquetLine
err := utils.RawDecode(a, &line1)
if err != nil {
err = utils.RawDecode(b, &line2)
if err != nil {
return utils.RawEncode(append(line1, line2...))
}).Run().Foreach(func(key, value types.RawOutput) {
var lines []ParquetLine
err := utils.RawDecode(value, &lines)
if err != nil {
// you can now use string(key) and lines ([]ParquetLine)
if err != nil {
If you don't want to keep the full memory set in memory, you can specify a buffer limit. Between steps (Map, FlatMap, ReduceByKey, ...), a buffer is kept. By configuring a different writer, you can influence the memory usage.
c := New()
bufferWriter: writers.NewMemoryWriter(),
c := New()
// argument expects bytes. after 5 MB, the buffer will start spilling to disk.
bufferWriter: writers.NewMemoryAndDiskWriter(1024 /* kb */ * 1024 /* mb */ * 5),
Function | Description |
Map | Transform a value |
FlatMap | Transform and flatten a value into a slice |
MapToKV | Transform a map to a key value pair |
ReduceByKey | Group unique keys and apply a reduce function |
Foreach | Loop over the output of unique keys in a key value result |
Filter | Filter values |
Print output | |
Get | Get output values |
GetKV | Get output keys and values |
- Textfiles (local & S3 using s3:// prefix)
- Parquet (local & S3 using s3:// prefix)
Multiple input files are split into goroutines. If you have multiple cores, the goroutines can run in parallel
You can run gomap on AWS on a spot instance using the launcher.
Example launch specification (if the AMI is not supplied, it'll launch the latest ubuntu bionic AMI):
"IamInstanceProfile": {
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:instance-profile/gomap"
"InstanceType": "r4.large",
"NetworkInterfaces": [
"DeviceIndex": 0,
"Groups": ["sg-0123456789"],
"SubnetId": "subnet-01234567890"
Note: the instance profile should have s3 & cloudwatch logs access
Download the wordcount and launch binary from the release page, and run:
aws s3 cp wordcount-linux-amd64 s3://yourbucket/binaries/wordcount
./launch -launchSpecification launchspec.json -region eu-west-1 -cmd "./wordcount -input s3://yourbucket/inputfile.txt" -executable s3://yourbucket/binaries/wordcount