Show a list of (abbreviated) team member names next to title of first column of Active Sprint board (the scrumboard) Looks like this: Ni Ri Ad Ge Is Ja (Ke) Lb Mar Hr (PO)
- Can be used during standup so everybody knows the order (especially nice when doing a videocall)
- Content of list can differ per day of the week (Mon-Sun). Especially nice with part-timers tht don't pop up on their free day.
Show a list of tips next to title of 4th column of Active Sprint board (the scrumboard) Looks like this: "Done?"
- Can be used during standup so everybody knows if there is a recurring special topic, like Done? means "Discuss if we get the full sprint Done?", "Arch align" means for us: "Tomorrow there is an architecture alignment. Do we have any topics?"
- Content of list can differ per day of the sprint (1-14).
Tip: Put the abbreviation of the name of someone who is optional (like an PO = Product Owner) between round brackets.
Uses the 'User JavaScript and CSS' extension for Chrome
- install 'User JavaScript and CSS' extension for Chrome
- navigate your browser to your JIRA
- Click 'User JavaScript and CSS' icon in Chrome (Blue/red dotted lines-icon)
- Click Add new
- Add the content of js.js to the JS pane
- Under Options enable Javascript & Libraries jQuery 3
- If your JIRA url if different that this format:
(where * is a wildcard for any character): Edit the url under the Sites-tab -> should become your JIRA url,
- If using JIRA cloud: change the jiraLicense-setting in the JS code
- Hit Save