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Plutus deployment details

The Plutus deployment consists of several environments containing various combinations of Plutus components


  • web-ghc: An HTTP frontend to the GHC compiler with appropriate modules for compiling code from the playgrounds. Shouldn't be publicly accessible, but currently is
  • plutus-playground: Web app to write, compile, and simulate simple Plutus programs. Uses web-ghc for compilation.
  • marlowe-playground: Web app to write, compile, and simulate Marlowe contracts. Uses web-ghc for compilation.
  • marlowe-run: Web frontend to run and interact with Marlowe contracts. Currently includes a mock node, wallet server, etc. in the backend.
  • marlowe-website: Static homepage for Marlowe


There are two general variants of the system contained in different envrionments:

  • plutus: Includes plutus-playground and web-ghc with Plutus modules
  • marlowe: Includes marlowe-website, marlowe-run, marlowe-playground, and web-ghc with Plutus and Marlowe modules.


There are 4 permanent environments currently deployed:

Ad hoc environments

The process to create a new environment for ad hoc testing is currently somewhat involved. You'll probably need help from @shlevy or @input-output-hk/devops for now.

First, create a PR against this repo:

  1. Create a new directory under revisions, copied from staging if this is a Marlowe environment or plutusStaging if it's a Plutus environment, named for your environment

  2. Update the cue file(s) in your new directory with the appropriate revisions of the relevant repositories

  3. Update the cue file(s) in your new directory, changing the package name to your new directory name

  4. Add an entry in revisions/combined.cue for your environment

  5. Add a new entry to the #namespaces definition in deploy.cue, copied either from the staging entry or the plutus-staging entry, updating the following fields:

  6. Add a new entry and description under services.nomad.namespaces in clusters/plutus/playground/default.nix

If you're OK with waiting for PRs to update your environment, you can simply update the revisions files you've added in a PR. Otherwise, you can update autodeployment in the relevant repo(s) (marlowe-cardano, marlowe-website, plutus-apps):

  1. In .github/workflows/deploy.yml, add a branch under on:push:branches:
  2. In scripts/deploy-bitte, search for ref_env_mapping and add a mapping from your branch name to the environment name

Automated deployment

This section describes how the basic bitte deployment was modified to support automated deployments. This should be improved and included in bitte proper.

  • Multiple environments in a single deployment were supported by having multiple namespaces use the #jobs entry in deploy.cue, allowing port numbers to be shifted (to maximize utilization) and modifying subdomains per-namespace
  • For each environment, created a directory under revisions with the git revisions of the relevant upstream flakes
  • Added .github/workflows/deploy.yml to redeploy changed jobs (and, in principle, infra and systems) upon each commit to master.

In each upstream repo (e.g. ), set up automation to update the appropriate revisions files at the appropriate times:

  • Added .github/workflows/deploy.yml to call deploy-bitte with the appropriate environment upon push to the right branches
  • Added scripts/deploy-bitte script to find the environment corresponding to the pushed branch and push a commit to plutus-ops updating the relevant revisions file.

Bootstrapping a Bitte Cluster

Resource Preparation

  • Determine whether the root AWS account, an existing organization under the root account, or a new organization will be used to host the new cluster infrastructure (3 or 5 core nodes plus a monitoring node). Create a new organization if needed. Switch to the desired AWS account or organization before continuing.

  • Choose a target region which the infrastructure will be deployed to. This selected region should be used for KMS, S3 and AMI resource preparation

IAM Preparation

  • Ensure users who will be admins have IAM accounts created and are assigned a group with the admin policy and programmatic access

KMS Preparation

  • If a suitable KMS key does not already exist in the selected region, create a new one:
    • Create a customer managed symmetric KMS key (no advanced options or tags required)
  • Add the IAM admins and organization role to the KMS key and KMS key usage permissions
  • Make note of the full KMS key ARN (arn:aws:kms:$REGION:$ORG_ID:key/$KEY_ID)

S3 Preparation

  • If a suitable S3 bucket does not already exist in the selected region, create a new bucket for the cluster
  • Ensure that the bucket has public access BLOCKED (NO public access)

Route53 Domain and DNS Preparation

  • Select an existing domain to host the new infra or create a new one.
  • To create a new one, one approach if using an organization under a parent organization or the root account which hosts the main DNS zone:
    • Create a new hosted zone in the selected organization which is a sub-domain of a parent organization or root account hosted zone
    • Create an NS record in the parent account pointing to the selected organizations new hosted zone sub-domain NS records

AMI preparation

  • Ensure that a bitte AMI image is available in the selected region
    • If not, copy an available bitte AMI image from another region to the selected region using the EC2 dashboard
    • Switch to the owner account/org of the existing AMI image, if needed, to perform the copy operation
    • The owner of the existing AMI from an originating region can be found by looking at the 12 digits of the backing snapshot
    • Those 12 digits can be used to filter organizations from the "My Organizations" page to locate the AMI owner organization
    • By switching to the owner organization, the AMI can then be copied to a target region without permission errors
    • TODO: document creation of a new AMI image from ops-lib
  • Make note of the AMI ID in the selected region

Standing up the cluster:

Cluster setup

  • Ensure that s3 credentials are set up in ~/.aws/credentials file for the cluster

    • For systems with nix-daemon, a /root/.aws/credentials file may also be required for builds with s3 cache access
    • Optional: Add the cluster s3 bucket to the nix cache
      • A parameter of profile can be appended to the cache string to specify the AWS credentials profile to use (&profile=$PROFILE)
  • Create a new terraform cloud organization for the cluster

    • Invite other members for the cluster
    • Default settings for the organization are ok are we don't manage source in the cloud
  • Create a new repo (ex: infra-ops)

  • Copy over skeleton files from a skeleton dir or existing bitte job repo

    • The encrypted/ and jobs/ folders should be deleted from any copied skeleton setup as they will be recreated
  • In the clusters/ dir, move the two sub-directories to appropriate names for the new repo, example:

    • clusters/infra/production/
  • Update the default.nix file in the clusters sub-directory, clusters/infra/production/default.nix in this example:

    • Add additional amis region attributes for auto-scaling instances if needed
    • Update the kms key with the full ARN path
    • Update the domain with the domain for the new cluster
    • Update the s3Bucket name with the s3 bucket for the new cluster
    • Update the adminNames with admins that exist for the new cluster
    • Update the terraformOrganization to the new organization for the cluster
    • Update the autoscalingGroups with new regions and desired capacities as needed
      • Note: regions with less than 3 AZs are not yet supported
  • Make the initial encrypted nix-public-key-file, secrets/ and encrypted/ dirs for the repo with:

make secrets/nix-public-key-file
  • Add all new files (locally) to the git repo. This is required for nix flakes to recognize files

    • Following files and directories do not need to be added:
      • .direnv/
      • cert.config
  • Initialize the network config for the new cluster which will create a new file:

nix run
  • Deploy the terraform network with:
bitte terraform network
  • Deploy the terraform core nodes with:
bitte terraform core
  • Generate the certs for the new cluster with:
bitte certs --domain $DOMAIN
  • Deploy the terraform clients with:
bitte terraform clients
  • Troubleshooting:
    • If nix fails due to missing files, check if new files were generated that need to be added for nix flakes to recognize them
    • If consul services, such as nomad, fail on the new core nodes, try restarting the failed services

Cluster Jobs:

  • Nomad job definitions exist in the jobs/ folder
  • Other Bitte cluster repos and their job definitions can be used as templates for new jobs


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