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Feature overview

Zwifi edited this page Dec 5, 2019 · 1 revision

How to build

Temporarily, until we release the lit-vocab-term library to the public NPM repository, we need our local NPM to point at the inrupt Verdaccio instance to find this dependency.

npm set registry
npm install

Or to install globally (so you can run the generator from any directory):

npm -g install @lit/artifact-generator

How to run

To ensure the installation was completed successfully:

lit-artifact-generator --help

To generate source code from a vocabulary:

node index.js generate --inputResources <vocab resources (e.g. local
 files, or remote IRI's)>

The output is a NodeJS Module containing a Javascript file with constants defined for the RDF terms found in the vocabulary (or multiple vocabularies) specified by the --inputResources flag. This module is located inside the ./generated directory by default. To generate artifacts in a different programming language, a YAML configuration file must be used (see below).

For example:

node index.js generate --inputResources ./demo/vocab/PetRocks.ttl

this will generate a Javascript artifact in

To initialize a YAML file that should be edited manually

node index.js init

The output is a YAML file (by default ./lit-vocab.yml), within which options can be specified to generate artifacts in different languages (e.g. Java, Javascript, Typescript, etc.) from a list of vocabularies.

validate a YAML file after it has been manually edited:

node index.js validate --vocabListFile <./path/to/the/yaml/file>

This command verifies that:

  • the YAML file is syntactically valid,
  • the mandatory options are specified
  • the vocabularies listed in the configuration are accessible and syntactically valid

generate source code from a YAML config file

To generate from multiple vocabularies, and/or generate artifacts that are not Node modules, you can use a YAML config file:

node index.js generate --vocabListFile <./path/to/the/yaml/file>

The details of the available options are listed in the dedicated section of the documentation

watch a set of vocabularies

This command starts a daemon that continuously watches a list of vocabularies, and re-generates artifacts accordingly, you can use the following command:

node index.js watch --vocabListFile <./path/to/the/yaml/file>

The process will run in the foreground until you hit "Enter", and artifacts will be kept up-to-date with vocabularies as long as the daemon is running.

See the help

node index.js --help

Will list all the available commands (e.g. generate, init, validate, or watch), and the options available for each command.