A Collection of mostly unrelated simple tweaks for minecraft
Handful of admin commands and the permissions needed to use them
Allows blocks to be smashed into different blocks by anvils
data container for beamdown locations (used by portals tweak)
allows you to load books from file and give them with a command (with permission)
allows for localized chat range, censoring, customize join/part/quit and death messages and spam protection
allows you to hide, unhide and alias commands
global config to toggle any tweak on or off
handful of difficulty tweaks, xp adjustment, deathban
Natural disasters, so far only meteor showers, but its pretty cool!
allows you to set a bungee server as a 'dream world' that dreamers can drift off too while sleeping/sitting/riding (horses/carts/boats) and /wake up to return
allows certain blocks and monsters to drop items
allows persistent status effects per world
Custom farming challenges, lower yields, light requirements, unwatered penalties, biome penalties
commands to run when a player first joins
random bug/dupe/exploit fixes (for now fixes a corrupt sign attack that crashed players when loading chunks)
custom mining challenges, persistent fatigue by depth
buffs and nerfs for mobs. regenerating golems, no AI on spawner spawned mobs, agro range changes.
exclusive ownership of horses. allow transfer of ownership of pets using leads (leashes). attempts to limit dog reactions while seated.
falling trees, falling dirt/cobble, volatile netherack, OBSIDIAN GENERATION FROM REDSTONE. limited lighting at low oxygen depths. harder ores. flamable webs.
beamups. custom portal links, custom (additional) nether dimensions.
configurable protections from fire, explosions, creepers. optionally protect any block times you want. PROTECTS DROPPED ITEMS from lava, fire or creeper explosions (unless dropped on purpose) prevents players from losing all items in double creeper explosions, or dying in fire/lava.
configurable custom recipes. even furnace recipes.
adjust minimum and maximum repair costs
controls spawning within worlds, spawn items, spawn status, spawn health/hunger, configurable by world/permissions.
Schedules commands on timers. single use or recurring. useful for backups, auto restarts, reminders, etc.
fixed time by world. useful for desert or frozen/space worlds
allows custom title/subtitle per world
fixes dismount positions. allows auto pickup of vehicles if holding a sword. fixes minecart elevators and minecart bridges. no more chasing your boat.
Fixed weather by world. useful for desert, frozen, or space worlds
allows you to load custom worlds. configuration for everything. generator, difficulty, pvp, preload, etc.
allows players to save/trade/use XP in bottles. 16 bottles to level 30. fill them up on an enchanting table.