- Digital Archiving of Cultural Properties
- 360-degree camera development
- Image Processing
- VR Development
- Programming Instructor
Currently under development
- [mikke]
- Renga, Web application to compose Tanka poems together by communicating with others via Websocket by Golang
- [Most Kawaii Navier–Stokes equations]
- Photogrammetry software by AzureKinect and Python
- Secretary Alexa
- Color de Go!
- competition walk
- warikan (improvement)
- portfolio (improvement)
- Chord Progressor (improvement)
- Hamory
- build my own x
What I'm studying
- React Tuorial
- Athletic Programming
- JDLA Deep Learning For GENERAL
- AzureKinect
- PythonLibraryTest
Hobby Work
- Repository
- My original portfolio page by Vue (for exercise)
- I haven't been able to update it recently.
Queued Task Management Web Application
- Repository
- I developed it to practice Django.
- It implements task prioritization and user authentication.
Chord Progression Web Application
- Frontend Repository
- Backend Repository
- I developed them to practice RESTful API by Django and React.
- This helps to check the chord progression when composing.
Weather and discomfort index Web Application
- Repository
- Through the development of this application, I became familiar with TypeScript.
- This helps you calculate by Reverce Polish Notation.
- This command line tool developed in Go to convert images into ASCII art.
- This application running on Lambda can collect body-related data obtained from the Fitbit API and record it in kintone.