PyTorch with CUDA support are required. Our code is tested on python 3.9, torch 1.13.0, CUDA 11.6, and RTX 3080 Ti. Clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd honerf
conda create -n honerf python=3.9 -y
conda activate honerf
pip install torch==1.13.0+cu116 torchvision==0.14.0+cu116 torchaudio==0.13.0 --extra-index-url
pip install -r requirements.txt
We also need to install pytorch3d from here.
Download the HandObject dataset and name it 'data' and put it in the root directory.
Download the Pre-trained Models which is named as 'exp' and put it in the root directory.
Run the following command to train the offline stage object and hand models:
# Object model
python --mode train --conf ./confs/wmask_realobj_bean.conf --case bean --gpu 0
# Hand model
python --mode train --conf ./confs/wmask_realhand_hand1.conf --case hand1 --gpu 0
The results will be saved in ./exp/(CASE_NAME)/wmask_realobj(hand)/checkpoints
Run the following command to test the offline stage models to get rendering results or mesh models:
# Object model
python --mode test --conf ./confs/wmask_realobj_bean.conf --case bean --gpu 0 --is_continue
# Hand model
python --mode mesh --conf ./confs/wmask_realhand_hand1.conf --case hand1 --gpu 0 --is_continue
The results will be saved in ./exp/(CASE_NAME)/wmask_realobj(hand)/test_render(meshes)
First run the following command to perform optimization based on render loss and pose regularizer loss:
python --conf ./fit_confs/fit_1_8views.conf --case 1_8view --gpu 0
The results will be saved in ./fit_res/view_8/1/obj_name/frame_name/pose_1
Then run the following command to perform optimization based on render loss, pose regularizer loss and interaction loss :
python --conf ./fit_confs/fit_12_8views.conf --case 12_8view --gpu 0
The results will be saved in ./fit_res/view_8/12/obj_name/frame_name/pose_12
Based on the above command, we obtain the results based on single frame optimization and save them in ./fit_res/view_8/12/.
(Optional 1)Then we run the following code to implement video-based optimization using stable loss:
python --conf ./fit_confs/fit_123_8views_0.conf --case 123_8view_id0 --gpu 0
The results will be saved in ./fit_res/view_8/123/123/obj_name/frame_name/pose_4
(Optional 2)We can also run the following code to implement video-based optimization using stable loss and stable contact loss:
python --conf ./fit_confs/fit_1234_8views_0.conf --case 1234_8view_id0 --gpu 0
The results will be saved in ./fit_res/view_8/1234/obj_name/frame_name/pose_4
You can also download the Our results named ''.
We need to obtain the hand-object interaction reconstruction results, penetration points, and rendering results to evaluate our method. Run the following command to get the online stage results:
# Get reconstruction results for fit_type: '1'
python --conf ./fit_confs/get_res_1.conf --case get_res_1 --gpu 0
# Get reconstruction results and penetration points for fit_type: '12'
python --conf ./fit_confs/get_res_12.conf --case get_res_12 --gpu 0
# Get penetration points for fit_type: '123'
python --conf ./fit_confs/get_res_123.conf --case get_res_123 --gpu 0
# Get penetration points for fit_type: '1234'
python --conf ./fit_confs/get_res_1234.conf --case get_res_1234 --gpu 0
# Get rendering results for fit_type: '12'
python --conf ./fit_confs/get_render_type12.conf --case render_res_type12 --gpu 0 --render True
The reconstruction results will be saved in ./fit_res/view_num/fit_type/obj_name/frame_name/mesh_*.
The penetration points will be saved in ./fit_res/view_num/fit_type/obj_name/frame_name/inner_*.
The rendering results will be saved in ./fit_res/view_num/fit_type/obj_name/frame_name/render_*.
Then run the following command to get the evaluation metrics.
#Get the pose error.
python ./analys_results/
#Get the interaction error.
python ./analys_results/
#Get the acceleration error.
python ./analys_results/
#Get the PCI error.
python ./analys_results/
# Get the rendering quality error.
python ./analys_results/
title={Novel-view Synthesis and Pose Estimation for Hand-Object Interaction from Sparse Views},
author={Qu, Wentian and Cui, Zhaopeng and Zhang, Yinda and Meng, Chenyu and Ma, Cuixia and Deng, Xiaoming and Wang, Hongan},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},
This codebase adapts modules from NeuS, HALO and Pytorh3D. Please consider citing them as well.