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Justin Mather edited this page Jun 8, 2019 · 1 revision


tufte-css wrapped in a comfy Jekyll theme with rake support

tufte-css-jekyll aims at closely mimicking the Edward Tufte-inspired styles from tufte-css (MIT License) in the framework of a Jekyll theme for satic pages and blog posts.

It is based heavily on previous work by Clay Harmon, who provides tufte-jekyll (MIT License) which also draws heavily on tufte-css, albeit with some stylistical deviations. In comparison, tufte-css-jekyll tries to stay as true to tufte-css as possible.

tufte-css-jekyll also makes use of a boilerplate rake file (provided by Ellen Gummesson at jekyll-rake-boilerplate), which makes it easy to commandeer the Jekyll site via a number of easy-to-use commands. It alo provides a custom Rakefile, which makes it easy to push the site to a GitHub page.

Demo page

A demo-page can be found at The page "Tufte CSS" on this site aims at reproducing the tufte-css demo page.


Download or clone this repository.


The source files live in the default branch src. Make your changes there, and you're ready to deploy.

If you are new to Jekyll, check out the Jekyll documentation first.

Some theme specifics

  • The large site title (and subtitle) can be switched on/off by setting the value for header in _config.yml to false.

  • The order of pages in the menu can be determined by defining a weight for the pages.

Building and testing the site

In order to build and test the site with Jekyll's own tools, go the the root folder of the project on the command line and do

jekyll build
jekyll serve -w

Navigate to the link provided by the Jekyll CLI and you will see the newly built page.

Work with the site comfortably with rake

From the root of the project, you can run a number of commands in order to work with the site. They are basically those from Ellen Gummesson's boilerplate' rake file. They are listed here for convenience.

  • rake post["Title"] creates a new post in the _posts directory by reading the default template file, adding the title you've specified and generating a filename by using the current date and the title.

  • rake draft["Title"] creates a new post in the _drafts directory by reading the default template file, adding the title you've specified and generating a filename.

  • rake publish moves a post from the _drafts directory to the _posts directory and appends the current date to it. It'll list all drafts and then you'll get to choose which draft to move by providing a number.

  • rake page["Title","path/to/folder"] creates a new page. If the file path is not specified the page will get placed in the site's source directory.

Deploying to GitHub pages

Depending on whether you want to deploy to a project (branch gh-pages) or a user/organization (branch master in specific repository, you can use the DeployToGithub.Rakefile with the respective argument.

rake -f DeployToGithub.Rakefile publish will publish the page to the gh-pages branch of your repository, while rake -f DeployToGithub.Rakefile publishmaster will publish a user/organization page.

In detail, this will git commit changes to src with a boilerplate commit message and git push to origin/src, then checkout gh-pages (or master), remove everything, copy the build result (in ./site) from a tmp directory to the branch, commit with a timestamp, force push to the respective branch, an checkout src again.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.