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Intermediate Repository

This repository assumes familiarity with the starter repository and core concepts. Basic setup should already be completed. This repository focuses solely on terraform and AWS.


Step 1: Fork and Create Stack

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create an administrative stack in the root space pointing to this repository.
  3. Set the project root as "Getting-Started".

The project root points to the directory within the repo where the project should start executing. This is especially useful for monorepos.

Step 2: Add Variables and Trigger Stack

  1. Add two variables to this stack:

    • TF_VAR_role_name
    • TF_VAR_role_arn

    Follow the setup guide from AWS to retrieve these values.

  2. Trigger this stack.

Explanation of resources being created:

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  • Creating a space for all our resources to go into, isolating it from the rest of our account.
  • Creating a stack to use an AWS EC2 private worker module.
  • Creating a stack with a drift detection schedule.
  • Creating two stacks with a stack dependency.
  • Creating two policies which will be discussed further later.
  • Mounting a file containing a JSON-encoded list of Spacelift's outgoing IPs.
  • Creating a worker pool with the private key and worker pool config.
  • Setting environment variables for the worker pool ID to be used in other stacks to utilize the private worker pool.
  • Setting environment variables for the private key and worker pool config.

Note: We are using a runtime config file with the stack default AWS region set to eu-west-1, which will apply to all stacks.

Step 3: Create API Key and Configure Private Worker Stack

  1. Create an admin API key in the intermediate-repo space.
  2. Save these variables on the private worker stack:
    • TF_VAR_spacelift_api_key_id
    • TF_VAR_spacelift_key_secret
    • TF_VAR_spacelift_api_endpoint (

These variables are needed to allow for autoscaling.

Explanation of Private Worker Stack

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  • The Getting-Started stack has already added variables relating to the worker pool and a mounted file with the IP addresses needed.
  • Triggering a run on this stack will:
    • Create your VPC, subnets, and a security group with unrestricted egress and restricted ingress to the IP addresses needed.
    • Create your EC2 instance private worker.

Step 4: Trigger Drift Detection Stack

  1. Trigger a run on the drift detection stack.
  2. Optionally add TF_VAR_drift_detection_schedule environment variable (defaults to every 15 minutes).

Explanation of Drift Detection

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  • This stack will create a stack with a drift detection schedule that runs every 15 minutes.
  • Optional activity: Trigger the stack with drift detection enabled. It will create a context. Manually add a label to this context via the UI and check if the drift detection run notices the drift.

Step 5: Trigger Stack Dependencies Stack

  1. Trigger the stack dependencies stack.

Explanation of Stack Dependencies

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  • This stack will create two stacks and establish a stack dependency between them with a shared output.
  • The infra stack will output DB_CONNECTION_STRING and save it as an input of TF_VAR_APP_DB_URL to the APP stack.
  • Optional activity: Trigger a run on the infra stack to create the DB_CONNECTION_STRING, then automatically start a run in the app stack and save this output as an input to be used.

Step 6: Optional Activities

Activity 1: Pull Request Notification

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  • Open a pull request against any of the stacks.
  • Wait for a comment from the PR notification policy that was created. It will add a comment based on the following conditions:
    • If the stack has failed in any stage not due to a policy, it will post the relevant logs.
    • If the stack has failed due to a policy, it will give a summary of the policies and any relevant deny messages.
    • If the stack has finished successfully, it will post a summary of the run, the policies used, and any changes to be made.

More information: Notification Policy

Activity 2: Contexts and Policies

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  • Our context Tflint and policy Tflintchecker were both created with the label autoattach:tflint.
  • Add the label tflint to a stack of your choice and watch both the context and policy get attached to the stack.
  • Trigger a run on this stack. The hooks will now install tflint, run the tool, and save these findings in a third-party metadata section of our policy input, which we then use in our policy.

More information: Integrating Security Tools with Spacelift

Activity 3: Import Policy from Policy Library

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  • Import a policy from the policy library via the UI.
  • Attach it to the stack.

Step 7: Destroy Resources

  1. Run terraform destroy -auto-approve as a task in the getting-started stack.

Explanation of Resource Destruction

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  • Our stack has also created stack-destructors, which handle the execution of destroying the resources on our created stacks first to ensure all resources are destroyed.

More reading: Ordered Stack Creation and Deletion

Detailed Sections

Runtime Configuration

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Runtime Configuration allows you to set up and manage configurations that define how your infrastructure is deployed and managed. It helps you control various aspects such as environment variables, command execution, and more.

More information: Runtime Configuration

AWS Cloud Integration

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AWS Cloud Integration enables you to connect your Spacelift account with your AWS environment, facilitating automated deployments and infrastructure management.

More information: AWS Cloud Integration

Private Workers

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Private Workers allow you to run jobs on dedicated, isolated instances within your VPC, enhancing security and compliance.

More information: Private Workers

Drift Detection

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Drift Detection helps identify changes in your infrastructure that occur outside of your Spacelift configurations, ensuring that your deployed infrastructure remains consistent with your defined state.

More information: Drift Detection

Stack Dependencies

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Stack Dependencies manage the relationships between different stacks, ensuring that dependencies are respected and resources are provisioned or destroyed in the correct order.

More information: Stack Dependencies

Contexts with Auto Attachment and Hooks

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Contexts allow you to define reusable sets of environment variables and settings that can be automatically attached to stacks. Hooks enable you to run custom scripts or commands at various points in the stack lifecycle.

More information: Contexts with Auto Attachment and Hooks

More Complex Policies and Integrating with Security Tools

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This section covers advanced policy configurations and the integration of security tools like Checkov to enhance your infrastructure's security posture.

More information: Integrating Security Tools


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  • HCL 69.8%
  • Open Policy Agent 30.2%