This system is part of a Bachelor's thesis titled Graph coloring in program analysis.
This system aims to alert the user to the shortcomings in the use of variables, which is mainly related to optimizing the number of variables used in the C programming language.
This WIKI contains installation instructions, a user guide and information about the files being created.
The latest version of the system is in the latest release. To use the system, you need to download the file from the latest release and extract the contents of this zip file.
After unzipping the zip file, you will see 2 folders in the working directory and a JAR file that is used to run the system.
Two methods have been implemented to enable the analysis of the programs. The first method is a graphical interface, which has been designed to meet the simplicity and intuitiveness of the user. The second way is the possibility to control the system through the console. The console method is designed primarily for Linux users, which is most often controlled in this way, but the console interface can be run on a variety of platforms.
Two options are created for the possibility of running the graphical user interface:
- Start the system by double-click on the JAR file.
- Start the system through the console using commands:
- java -jar "Error detection system.jar" gui or
- java -jar "Error detection system.jar".
Starting the system with the console interface is only possible through the command:
- java -jar "Error detection system.jar" console