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Python tool to convert daily notes to a daily summary and tasks


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Daily Notes AI Summarization

This Python script is a note summarizer that processes daily, weekly, and meeting notes. It uses the OpenAI API (gpt4o-mini) to summarize notes and identify tasks. It can also extract action items and add them to the Apple Reminders App. Last but not least; it's able to extract learnings from a separate file and autogenerate tags for each of the learnings. Learnings are stored individually in a separate folder. The script accepts several command-line arguments to customize its behavior.

What does it do?

Based on timestamped notes in a single file it can generate

  • A daily summary, including tags and actionable items
  • A weekly summary (including accomplishments and learnings)
  • Extract meeting notes
  • Extract action items and add them to the Apple Reminders App.
  • Extract learnings and generate tags for each of the learnings

Please note

This script has been entirely created by CodeLLama, GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

Why this script

This script allows me to summarize my day, identify action items and add them to my reminders, so I can keep track of what I need to do. I use jrnl ( to write daily notes during my work day, it's easy and entirely terminal based, which allows for quickly jotting down ideas, notes, quotes and report meetings. I have configured an alias for jrnl, called daily which opens neovim and adds everything I jot down to a single file prefixed with a timestamp. This is the jrnl config I use:

   1   │ colors:
   2   │   body: none
   3   │   date: black
   4   │   tags: yellow
   5   │   title: cyan
   6   │ default_hour: 9
   7   │ default_minute: 0
   8   │ editor: nvim -f
   9   │ encrypt: false
  10   │ highlight: true
  11   │ indent_character: "|"
  12   │ journals:
  13   │   daily:
  14   │     journal: ~/Documents/notes/jrnl/
  15   │   default:
  16   │     journal: ~/Documents/notes/jrnl/
  19   │   idea:
  20   │     journal: ~/Documents/notes/jrnl/
  23   │ linewrap: 79
  24   │ tagsymbols: "#@"
  25   │ template: false
  26   │ timeformat: "%F %r"
  27   │ version: v4.1

The zsh-alias to quickly start a daily note;

alias daily="jrnl daily"

At the end of the day the file containing notes would look like this:

[2024-05-18 08:45:32 AM] started the day by reviewing the sprint backlog. Identified key tasks to tackle using Trello.

[2024-05-18 11:12:09 AM] debugged the API integration issues with the new payment gateway.

[2024-05-18 12:30:44 PM] had a quick sync with the UX team to finalize the design for the new dashboard feature.

[2024-05-18 02:15:20 PM] attended the bi-weekly planning meeting. Discussed the priorities for the next sprint.

[2024-05-18 03:47:18 PM] researched optimization techniques for the search algorithm. Found some promising approaches using Elasticsearch.

[2024-05-18 04:25:51 PM] created a prototype for the new notification system. Need to test it with real user data next week.

[2024-05-18 05:08:33 PM] updated the project documentation to reflect the recent changes in the architecture.

[2024-05-18 06:22:54 PM] set up automated tests for the new microservices. This should help catch issues earlier in the development cycle.

[2024-05-18 06:45:10 PM] ended the day by reviewing PRs and providing feedback to the team.

[2024-05-19 09:10:13 AM] started the morning with a team stand-up meeting. Discussed blockers and progress.

[2024-05-19 10:55:48 AM] worked on refactoring the legacy codebase to improve maintainability.

[2024-05-19 12:15:30 PM] joined a webinar on the latest trends in AI and machine learning. Took notes for later review.

If you'd use the script on this journal like this:

python --skip-reminders --dry-run

This would be the generated output:


[08:45:32 AM] Reviewed sprint backlog and identified key tasks using Trello.

[11:12:09 AM] Debugged API integration issues with new payment gateway.

[12:30:44 PM] Synced with UX team to finalize dashboard feature design.

[02:15:20 PM] Discussed next sprint priorities in bi-weekly planning meeting.

[03:47:18 PM] Researched search algorithm optimization techniques using Elasticsearch.

[04:25:51 PM] Created prototype for new notification system; planning to test with real user data next week.

[05:08:33 PM] Updated project documentation to reflect recent architecture changes.

[06:22:54 PM] Set up automated tests for new microservices to catch issues earlier in development.

[06:45:10 PM] Reviewed PRs and provided feedback to team.


#sprint_backlog #api_integration #ux_design #sprint_planning #search_optimization #notification_system #project_documentation #automated_testing #code_review

Action Items:

  • Test the new notification system with real user data next week.

The items extracted to action items will be added to Apple Reminders with a deadline of next morning 0900.


  • Python 3.x
  • OpenAI API key
  • Apple Reminders


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install the required Python packages: pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Configure the script by editing the config.yaml file.


Copy config.template.yml to config.yml and setup the correct values. Here is a brief explanation of each configuration item:

  • daily_notes_file: This is the path to the file where your daily notes are stored. The script will read from this file when processing daily notes. For example, "~/Documents/notes/jrnl/".

  • daily_output_dir: This is the directory where the script will save the processed daily notes. For example, "~/Documents/notes/daily".

  • weekly_output_dir: This is the directory where the script will save the processed weekly notes. For example, "~/Documents/notes/Weekly".

  • meeting_notes_output_dir: This is the directory where the script will save the processed meeting notes. For example, "~/Documents/notes/meetingnotes".

  • base_url: This is the (optional) base URL for the OpenAI API. The script will send requests to this URL to interact with the API. For example, "".

  • api_key: This is your OpenAI API key. The script will use this key to authenticate with the OpenAI API.

  • model: This is the model that the script will use for the OpenAI API. For example, "gpt-4o".

  • learnings_file: this is the path to the file where your learnings are stored. The script will read from this file when processing learnings. For example, "~/Documents/notes/".

  • learnings_output_dir: this is the directory where the script will save the processed learnings. For example, "~/Documents/notes/learnings".


Here is a brief explanation of each argument:

  • --config: This argument is used to specify the path to the configuration file. The default value is config.yaml.

  • --process-learnings: If this argument is provided, the script will process learnings from the file that is configured in the config.yaml file : learnings_file

  • --weekly: If this argument is provided, the script will process weekly notes.

  • --dry-run: If this argument is provided, the script will not write to files or create reminders. It's useful for testing the script without making changes.

  • --skip-reminders: If this argument is provided, the script will not create reminders.

  • --replace-summary: If this argument is provided, the script will replace the existing summary instead of appending to it.

  • --meetingnotes: If this argument is provided, the script will generate and save meeting notes.

  • --date: Optional date string to force meetingnotes or daily notes to be processed for a specific date. The format should be YYYY-MM-DD. In case of weekly notes this value reflect the start date

Here is an example of how to run the script with some arguments:

python --config my_config.yaml --weekly --dry-run

In this example, the script will process weekly notes using the configuration file my_config.yaml, and it will not write to files or create reminders because the --dry-run argument is provided.


You can set up a cron job to run this script at the end of each day. Here’s how to add a cron job on a Unix-based system:

crontab -e

Add this line to the file:

0 18 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/the/

This cron job will run the script daily at 6 PM.

Future Improvements

  • Add mail functionality to send the summary and action items to an email address.
  • Add support for a vector search API to search for related notes in order to link them


Python tool to convert daily notes to a daily summary and tasks







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