Golang exercise from exercism http://exercism.io/languages/go/about
Most of the practices are questions easier than the the easy category in leetcode, more for fun and syntax practices. All practices are TDD.
react - a simple reactor system, to implement given interfaces
gigaseconds - adding giga seconds to a time, practices for package time
bank-account - deposit/withdraw money, practices for simple concurrency control
circular-buffer - implemnt read/write in circular-buffer
parallel-letter-frequency - count letter frequency concurrently
custom-set - implement a set, there is no builtin set in go
nth-prime - find the nth prime number (related questions: sieve, prime-factors)
binary-search-tree - tree structure practice
tree_building - more general tree building practice
simple-cipher - implement similar ciphers, a practice of interfaces
paasio - implement reader/writer wrapper. concurrency & interface practice
pov - change root of a tree. Practices for graph creation & manipulation
minesweeper - find out how many mines in each empty block
robot-simulator - communications using channel between robots, room, and program
word-search - all about looping, search words in different directions
poker - find best hands
forth - implement a simple part of parser for programming language forth (practice for design pattern)