A WordPress plugin to report on the size and structure of your database.
WordPress plugin url: https://wordpress.org/plugins/database-analyzer/
This plugin is geared towards developers or those that are familiar with the WordPress database structure.
This plugin will:
- Read your database to generate reports.
- Provide insight on why your database is large.
This plugin will not:
- Update or delete from your database in an attempt to optimize it.
Roughly how I (plan to) push releases from git to svn
- Push changes to git and then clone into a new directory (effectively removing git ignored files)
- Composer install --prefer-dist (note: bower used to compile scss only, so bower install is not needed here)
- delete .git
- A few other files could be deleted manually, but I probably won't do this
- what you have left is the WordPress plugin to be deployed
- note: no need to compile scss. master.css is intentionally not git ignored.
- note: I do this with each new release, not every developement change.