This project is no longer maintained, only to be used for educational purposes
You can access our frontend that consumes an Express API using ReactJS and NextJS at HashTagMate
You can follow HashTagMate twitter activities at ImRwanda
HashTagMate is an app that is meant to sort tweets based on hashtags and has the ability to retweet them.
Ensure you have Node and Git installed.
git clone
cd HashtagMate
npm install
npm run dev
The Twitter api Use this url to create a Twitter app:
Replace the :: in config.js with Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, Access Token Secret Provided by and rename it to config.js
module.exports = {
consumer_key: '::',
consumer_secret: '::',
access_token: '::',
access_token_secret: '::'
Access the server at: http://localhost:3000/
Resource URL | Methods | Description | Requires Token |
/hashtag | GET | Pass a hashtag as a parameter to fetch it's tweets | TRUE |
/hashtag/:hashtag | GET | Pass a hashtag as a parameter to fetch it's tweets(Through URL) | TRUE |