is an AWS stress testing tool used by gatling to perform stress tests using processes on Fargate, output reports to S3, and notify chats of the URL of the report.
- terraform
- The terraform scripts for deploying a stress-test environment on AWS.
- gatling-aggregate-runner
- The application to manage stress testing.
- gatling-runner
- The application that performs stress tests.
- gatling-s3-reporter(not sbt project)
- The application that aggregates logs and outputs a report to S3.
- api-server(for test)
- The server application for testing.
- installing tool
$ brew install sbt awscli jq terraform
- installing Docker for Mac
- register an IAM user in AWS account
- add a profile for the IAM user as
.[aws-gatling-tools] aws_access_key_id = XXXXX aws_secret_access_key = XXXXX region = ap-northeast-1
$ cd terraform
terraform $ cp terraform.tfvars.default terraform.tfvars
terrafrom $ vi terrafrom.tfvars # edit
terraform $ terraform init
terraform $ terraform plan
terraform $ terraform apply
If you don't need the test application(api-server), please comment out the following part of terraform/
# module "ecr_api_server" {
# source = "./api-server"
# prefix = var.prefix
# owner = var.owner
# vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id
# subnet_ids = module.vpc.public_subnets
# aws_subnet_public = var.aws_subnet_public
# api_server_ecs_cluster_name = var.api_server_ecs_cluster_name
# api_server_ecr_name = var.api_server_ecr_name
# aws_account_id = var.account_id
# }
This is just to check the operation.It is not necessary if you use your own test application.
# api-server docker build & push
$ AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=aws-gatling-tools sbt api-server/ecr:push
# gatling-runner docker build & push
$ AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=aws-gatling-tools sbt gatling-runner/ecr:push
# gatling-s3-reporter docker build & push
$ cd gatling-s3-reporter && make release && cd ..
# gatling-aggregate-runner build & push
$ AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=aws-gatling-tools sbt gatling-aggregate-runner/ecr:push
$ cp
$ vi # edit stress-test conditions
$ sh ./
Aggregate Runner
starts on the ECS cluster.Aggregate Runner
starts the specified number ofRunners
, notifies to chat.- Wait for all
until finish. - After all runners have finished, launch the
S3 Reporter
,Aggregate Runner
notifies to chat Aggregate Runner
notifies the url to gatling report on S3.
All control is performed by Aggregate Runner
, so the terminal can be closed after execute the command.
Gatling Runner started:
task arns = [
runTaskCount = 10, runTaskEnvironments = Map(GATLING_S3_BUCKET_NAME -> j5ik2o-aws-gatling-tools-logs, GATLING_PAUSE_DURATION -> 3s, GATLING_TARGET_ENDPOINT_BASE_URL ->, GATLING_EXECUTION_ID -> api-server/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx, GATLING_SIMULATION_CLASS -> com.github.j5ik2o.gatling.BasicSimulation, GATLING_RAMP_DURATION -> 200s, GATLING_RESULT_DIR -> target/gatling, GATLING_HOLD_DURATION -> 5m, GATLING_USERS -> 10, AWS_REGION -> ap-northeast-1)
Gatling Runner finished: task arns = [
Gatling Reporter started: task arns =
runTaskReporterEnvironments = Map(AWS_REGION -> ap-northeast-1, GATLING_BUCKET_NAME -> j5ik2o-aws-gatling-tools-logs, GATLING_RESULT_DIR_PATH -> api-server/xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Gatling Reporter finished: report url: