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JaCaMo REST provides a REST API to interact with agents, artifacts and organisations.

Using this project

The simplest way to use JaCaMo-REST is by developing your MAS with JaCaMo >= 1.1, which includes JaCaMo-REST. An example is available at the JaCaMo demos. Examples focused on integration are also found at demos.

Otherwise, we can include jacamo-rest dependency in build.gradle:

repositories {

    maven { url "" }


dependencies {
    implementation group: 'org.jacamo'     , name: 'jacamo-rest'   , version: '0.7'

and start the API server in your .jcm application file:

mas yourmas {


    // starts rest api on port 8080
    platform:"--restPort 8080")


About jacamo-rest...

REST API versions


  • GET /overview: Returns MAS overview and all links


  • GET; POST /agents: Retrieves agents collection - works as white pages - (with links); append an agent.
  • GET; DELETE ../{agentuid}: Returns agent data (mind, bb and intentions (obs 1); remove.
  • GET; POST ../{agentuid}/plans Retrieves plans of the specified agent; append a plan.
  • GET ../{agentuid}/log Returns log of the specified agent.
  • POST ../{agentuid}/command Posts a new command.
  • POST ../{agentname}/inbox Posts a new message.
  • GET; POST ../{agentuid}/services Returns services provided by the specified agent; add a service to the agent.

(obs 1) /code is only provided in jacamo-web


  • GET; POST /workspaces: Retrieves workspaces collection (with links); append a workspace.
  • GET; POST ../{workspaceuid}/artifacts Retrieves artifacts collection; append an artifact.
  • GET ../{workspaceuid}/artifacts/{artifactuid} Returns artifact data.
  • GET /workspaces/{workspaceuid}/artifacts/{artifactuid}/properties/{obspropsuid} Returns obs props data.
  • POST /workspaces/{workspaceuid}/artifacts/{artifactuid}/operations/{operationid}/execute Execute operation.


  • GET /organisations: Retrieves organisations collection.
  • GET ../{organisationuid} Returns organisation data (with links to artifacts).
  • POST ../{organisationuid}/roles append a role.


  • GET /services: Retrieves services collection and agents that provide them - works as yellow pages