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Robin Gareus edited this page Feb 11, 2013 · 2 revisions

jack_control is a Python based tool that allows to control the JACK server, using the newly defined DBUS service available in JACK2. It can be used when JACK has been compiled and installed with the DBUS layer. You can get and install Jack2 from SVN with :

  git clone

On Linux to build JACK with DBUS support, configure, build and install using :

  ./waf configure --dbus
  ./waf build
  ./waf install (in root)

The jack_control tool will be then installed. Look at what commands are available:

Usage: jack_control [command] [command] ...
    exit                       - exit jack dbus service (stops jack server if currently running)
    status                     - check whether jack server is started, return value is 0 if runing and 1 otherwise
    start                      - start jack server if not currently started
    stop                       - stop jack server if currenly started
    dl                         - get list of available drivers
    dg                         - get currently selected driver
    ds <driver>                - select driver
    dp                         - get parameters of currently selected driver
    dpd <param>                - get long description for driver parameter
    dps <param> <value>        - set driver parameter
    il                         - get list of available internals
    ip <name>                  - get parameters of given internal
    ipd <name> <param>         - get long description for internal parameter
    ips <name> <param> <value> - set internal parameter
    iload <name>               - load internal
    iunload <name>             - unload internal
    ep                         - get engine parameters
    epd <param>                - get long description for engine parameter
    eps <param> <value>        - set engine parameter

Commands allow to list the available drivers (backend), list parameters of all drivers, select a given driver, possibly set it's parameters, and start the JACK server with it. All server parameters can also be listed and changed. Internal clients can be listed and their parameters listed and changed.

State of server, drivers and internal clients are automatically saved and restored (using an XML based file).