Just a simple command-line function written with Node.js to make ls'in a little bit prettier. You'll want to have Node.js and NPM installed on your machine to use this command. If you don't have them, go here.
Once you're setup is ready, use the following command:
npm i -g better-ls
Here's the gist of what you can do:
Usage: bls [options] [directory] [depth]
directory the directory to list out (default = cwd)
depth how deep to list (default = 1)
-v, --version output the version number
-s, --size boolean flag to calculate the size of each file/directory
-h, --help display help for command
The arguments directory and depth will always be read left to right. If you provide a number as the first argument, bls
will first determine if it leads to a directory. If that fails, it will assume its a depth argument. The directory argument can also be relative or absolute.
⚠️ Using the size flag will give you sizes of each directory and file, but beware, it's a heavy process when your requested directory has a lot of files to calculate. If used, your request may hang for a couple of seconds. Grab a snack or something, idk.