This is a small livereload browserify plugin. It is aimed for those who don't want to waste time with gulp plugins or pre-packaged development servers.
git clone
cd browserify-livereload/example
npm i && npm run dev
open your browser to http://localhost:8080 and start messing with the src files
$ npm install --save-dev browserify-livereload watchify
because this plugin doesn't watch for files, use watchify to handle rebundling, the plugin will do the rest.
$ watchify -p [ browserify-livereload --host --port 1337 ] index.js -o bundle.js
const path = require('path')
const browserify = require('browserify')
const livereload = require('browserify-livereload')
const b = browserify({
entries: 'index.js',
cache: {},
packageCache: {},
debug: true
b.plugin(livereload, {
host: 'localhost',
port: 1337,
outfile: path.join(__dirname, 'src', 'bundle.js') /* this option is required if using API mode */
The plugin checks for an outfile option if you're programatically building your bundle. if running browserify/watchify from the command line you do not need to add an outfile option as it is already added. The plugin starts up a server on creation, when the end event from the bundle pipeline is triggered, the plugin will prepend a script to the bundle using node streams. The file is an immeditely invoked function expression that injects the script to the head of the document. This way if any errors occur in your code, the events will fire independently.
Do not use this in production, this is for development purposes only. Be sure to bundle your application for production without this plugin.