To prepare the project to build run following commands:
- npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015
The JavaScript source files are written in ES6 syntax, and are transpiled via
babel into generally compatible code. The project is bundled together
with webpack, which can be triggered in the root directory
with the npm run webpack
command. For styling, less is used
in this project.
The files are ordered in a standard way into following structure:
- static content and compiled JS files/css
- LESS source files are located in the/less
subfolder and are compiled into the/build
subfolder as .css files/js
- transpiled JavaScript files by babelindex.html
- the page with the application
- JavaScript source files in the ES6 syntax
You have in your hand UML sequential diagram editor which can manipulate lifelines, its bars and actions between each other.
Creating elements:
- use button "Add new LifeLine" to crate a life line
- use "plus" button at the end of life line to create a new bar
- click on source bar and then on target bar to create action between these two
For manipulating with objects is used a context menu or in some cases drag and drop approach.