This repository contains the interface definition of the API for ArangoGraph Insights Platform, formerly called Oasis.
The entire interface is specified in protocol buffers and uses GRPC underlying as protocol. A full list of API methods and their arguments is available here.
This provider plugin is maintained by the team at ArangoDB.
More information and a getting started guide about the ArangoGraph Insights Platform API is available at
The following projects make use of the ArangoGraph Insights Platform API and are good examples of how to use it:
- oasisctl Commandline utility for ArangoGraph Insights Platform (formerly called ArangoDB Oasis).
- terraform-provider-oasis Terraform plugin for ArangoGraph Insights Platform (formerly called ArangoDB Oasis).
Building the APIs involves the compilation of the protocol buffers and the generation of a Go client for it.
Note that it is not needed to go through this build process in order to use the API.
The build process requires a github personal access token with the following scopes.
- repo
- repo:status
- repo_deployment
- public_repo
- repo:invite
The token must be placed in a file called ${HOME}/.arangodb/ms/github-readonly-code-acces.token
To compile the protobuffer specifications and build Go wrappers for them, run:
make build-image
Since GRPC is available for many languages (Java, NodeJS, C#, Python...) it is fairly straightforward to create clients for these languages.
To do so, follow language specific instructions on
Note that we do not support clients other than the Go client that already included in this repository.