To format the draft use something like
tidy -config config.tidy < webrtc.html > new.html
(you can find tidy at
To generate the dated version of the specification:
If releasing a getusermedia draft, in getusermedia.js update the "prevED" line to point to the previous dated draft (i.e., the one currently available as the editor's draft on
If releasing a webrtc draft, in webrtc.js update the "prevED" line to point to the previous dated draft (i.e., the one currently available as the editor's draft on
Create a new directory in archives corresponding to the new release day (YYYYMMDD)
Open the document in Firefox.
Select "Save as HMTL" from dialog box.
Save the file as the base name in your new archive directory like archives/20130320/getusermedia.html
Copy all associated resources (images/) into the newly created archive directory.
In the archive file, search for and edit the link for "This version" and fix to point at the new dated version of the spec
Add the new archives/YYYYMMDD directory to git and make a commit.
Create a new version tag: $ git tag -m "Editor's draft YYYYMMDD." vYYYYMMDD
Push the commit and the new tag to the git repo: $ git push --tags origin master
Once everyone is happy, the files need to be copied to the cvs repository. Start by updating your copy (use -d option to get new directories): $ cvs update -d
Confirm that you have all recent archive directories. If any are missing, to be safe re-checkout your entire cvs directory from scratch to ensure that you have everything.
Copy the following from your git directory to the cvs editor/ directory
- images/
- archives/YYYYMMDD (the new archived directory created above)
- If you are releasing a webrtc draft, also copy the following files into the "sources" subdirectory on CVS for archival purposes:
- webrtc.html, webrtc.js, and webrtc.css Also, within the CVS directory create a soft symbolic link from your new archive dated version: $ ln -s archives/20130320/webrtc.html . (if you can't do symlinks, just copy the file)
- If you are releasing a getusermedia draft, also copy the following files into the "sources" subdirectory on CVS for archival purposes:
- getusermedia.html, getusermedia.js, and getusermedia.css Also, within the CVS directory create a soft symbolic link from your new archive dated version: $ ln -s archives/20130320/getusermedia.html . (if you can't do symlinks, just copy the file)
Add the new archive directory (with content) to cvs: $ find archives/YYYYMMDD -type d | xargs cvs add $ find archives/YYYYMMDD -type f | grep -v CVS | xargs cvs add
Confirm what will be committed: $ cvs -qn update
Commit new directory and changed files (...): $ cvs commit -m "Added YYYYMMDD archived version." archives/YYYYMMDD/ ...
Send an email to the corresponding lists to announce the new release (proposed template below).
Email template (use it if you like):
A new dated version of the Editors' draft is available.
Dated version: Living document:
Changes include:
- ...
- ...
Please review and provide feedback.
(for the editors)