Find if and where a light ray intersects a triangle (in 3D of course). This is optimized for speed. See nice general explanation here
#Usage Import and create some points:
using TriangleIntersect
a = Point(0,0,0)
b = Point(1,0,0)
c = Point(0,1,0)
Create a triangle
t = Triangle(b,a,c)
Cast a ray:
r = Ray(Point(0.1,0.1,1), Point(0.1,0.1,-1))
Check the intersection:
intersect(r, t) # -> Intersection(Point(0.2,0.2,0.0),1.02,true)
The Intersection
type is simply defined as:
immutable Intersection
ip::Point # intersecting point
id::Float64 # intersecting distance