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URL shortener with Elixir and Phoenix

The technology stack consists following technologies, Elixir, Phoenix framework, Liveviews and PostgreSQL.


  • User is able to create new link
  • User is able to navigate to created link and redirected to original URL
  • Able to review statistics of the created link

Initial setup

makesure you have the following

How to setup and run

  • Clone this repo.
  • cd into the directory
  • Make sure you have same elixir version as defined in mix.exs, otherwise change the elixir version to installed version in the file
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server
  • visit local site at http://localhost:4000
  • Test with mix test

Deployment on Gigalixir

Before deployment clone the project in another directory. To avoid deployemnt errors make sure you dont use any setup mix commands.

** on windows if there are deployment errors, use Linux or MAC. its a common problem with windows

  • Use the official guide for Deploying on gigalixir
  • Dont miss any step, its crucial for deployment
  • Environment variables will be created for you, If you need to add more then go to your gigalixir app dashboard and add variables under Configuration tab. you may need to add host name variable there for this to properly work.
  • you can find the viariable in config/runtime.exs and look for this line host = System.get_env("PHX_HOST") || ""


Url shortner app built in Elixir/Phoenix






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