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composer require jaz303/hotwire


Basic Example

require 'AppConfig.php';
require 'UserEditor.php';

// Create a new container
$C = new Hotwire\Container();

$config = new AppConfig;
$config->userEditorConfig = [
    "key" => "value"

// Register a singleton instance. The same object will be returned for all
// requests.
$C->registerSingleton('config', $config);

// Register a singleton factory. A single PDO instance will be created the
// first time it's requested.
$C->registerSingleton('pdo', static function() {
    return new PDO("...");

// Register a factory function. This registration is not a singleton so
// each request to the container will create a new instance.
$C->register(UserEditor::class, static function($C) {
    // Factory function receives an instance of the container.
    // In here we request the UserEditor dependencies and use
    // them to assemble an instance.
    // Retrieve PDO singleton via magic property
    $pdo = $C->pdo;

    // Get the app config via the PSR Container interface
    $config = $C->get('config');

    return new UserEditor($C->pdo, $config->userEditorConfig);

// Create a UserEditor instance
$userEditor = $C->get(UserEditor::class);

Lazy Dependencies

class MyClass {
    private $dep;
    // $lazyExpensiveDependency is a callable that will create an
    // on-demand instance of ExpensiveDep. Successive calls will
    // return the same instance.
    public function __construct($lazyExpensiveDependency) {
        $this->dep = $lazyExpensiveDependency;

    public function doSomethingWithDependency() {
        // Create instance of dependency.
        $instance = ($this->dep)();

$C->register(ExpensiveDep::class, static function() {
    $instance = new ExpensiveDep;
    // ... do expensive set up ...
    return $instance;

$C->register(MyClass::class, static function($C) {
    return new MyClass($C->lazy(ExpensiveDep::class));

Factory Dependencies


$C = new Hotwire\Container()

Create a new container instance.

$C->register(string $key, callable $factory)

Register a factory dependency. $factory will be called each time an instance of $key is requested from the container, and its return value returned.

$C->registerSingleton(string $key, mixed $factoryOrInstance)

Register a singleton dependency. If $factoryOrInstance is a callable it is used as a factory function that is called the first time $key is requested from the container; otherwise $factoryOrInstance is the dependency itself.


Returns true if a registration exists for the given $key, false otherwise.


Request an instance of $key from the container.

Throws RegistrationNotFoundException if no registration for $key exists.

$C->lazy(string $key)

Request a lazy instance of $key from the container. Returns a callable that returns an instance of the associated dependency. Successive calls will return the same instance.

Use lazy() for expensive dependencies that will not always be used by the dependent object.

$C->factory(string $key)

Request a factory for $key. Returns a callable that returns a new instance of the associated dependency for each call.

Attempting to create a factory() dependency for a singleton registration is a semantic error and will throw an exception.

Use factory() when an object needs to create multiple instances of a dependency, without exposing the container itself.

$C->__get(string $key)

Equivalent to $C->get($key).