This is a toolkit to help developer to install hadoop cluster on hiCloud VMs.
Note: hiCloud is the Amazon EC2 like service provided by CHT, Taiwan.
- These scripts are only tested on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
- You will need the CSV password file download form hiCloud.
- These scripts are based on libexpect-perl and dsh (distributed shell)
- Download PieTTY
- Extract, you will need the CSV file
- Connecting to the First Node you would like to act as NameNode and JobTracker
- First, please generate SSH key for the First Node (a.k.a. Head Node)
~# ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ""
- Then you have to install needed packages to run this automation script
~# apt-get -y install libexpect-perl dsh git
- Download current version of hicloud-hadoop script from sourceforge
~# git clone git://
- Upload the CSV file using PieTTY
- Run ./config to generate conf/master and conf/slave for your cluster based on uploaded CSV password file
~# cd hicloud-hadoop
~/hicloud-hadoop# ./config
~/hicloud-hadoop# ./install-ubuntu
- After installation, you will see messages like this:
Please check http://IP:50070 and http://IP:50030 for the status