The jingtum-lib-csharp library to be used for interacting with jingtum blockchain network. This is the c# version.
- src/jingtum-lib - The source codes of jingtum lib.
- src/UnitTests - The unit tests for jingtum lib.
- src/TestApp - The Windows Forms application for testing the jingtum lib apis.
- Samples - The samples to use the jingtum lib.
- docs - The documentation for the jingtum lib.
- Windows 10
- VisualStudio 2017
- C# 7.0
- .NET Framework 4.5
The following libraries are referenced.
- Newtonsoft.Json (
- Portable.BouncyCastle (
- WebSocket4Net (
- SuperSocket.ClientEngine.Core (
Install from nuget package manager.
The jingtum-lib-csharp library is based on the ws protocol to connect with jingtum system. The Remote class provides public APIs to create two kinds of objects: Request object by GET method, and Transaction object by POST method. And then can submit data to server through Submit() method.
- Create a new instance of Remote class.
var remote = new Remote("wss://", true);
- Connect to server.
- Create a Request object by calling the Request*** methods. Call the Submit method to send request to server. You can get the result data by the callback function.
// log result.Exception or result.Message
- Close the connection.
Main handler for backend system. It creates a handle with jingtum, makes request to jingtum, subscribes event to jingtum, and gets info from jingtum.
Request server and account info without secret. Request is used to get server, account, orderbook and path info. Request is not secret required, and will be public to every one. All requests are asynchronized and should provide a callback. Each callback provides the json message, exception, and result object.
Post request to server with account secret. Transaction is used to make transaction and collect transaction parameter. Each transaction is secret required, and transaction can be signed local or remote. Now remote sign and local sign are supported. All transactions are asynchronized and should provide a callback. Each callback provides the json message, exception, and result object.
You can listen events of the server.
- Listening all transactions occur in the system. (Remote.Transactions event)
- Listening all last closed ledger event. (Remote.LedgerClosed event)
- Listening all server status change event. (Remote.ServerStatusChanged event)
- Listening all events for specific account. (Remote.CreateAccountStub method)
- Listening all events for specific orderbook pair. (Remote.CreateOrderBookStub method)