Datalogging, and more visualizations of the electric-powered full-throttle supercharger from Phantom Superchargers
- Arduino Uno @Adafruit
- Adafruit Datalogging Shield @Adafruit
- Radioshack mini DPDT relay @RadioShack
- Monochrome 0.96" 128x64 OLED graphic display @Adafruit
- 1x PN2222 NPN Transistor @Adafruit
- 1 1N4001 diode @Adafruit
- 2x DS 18B20 Digital Temperature sensors @Adafruit
- 1x 1 M Ohm resistor
- 1x 200 k Ohm resistor
- 3x 1k ohm resistors
- 1x 440 ohm resistor
- 1x SD card for logging
- Wire, various colors
- Perfboard / Protoboard
- 3/4 inch and 1/8 inch heatshrink, for temperature probes
- High-temperature tape (For temperature probes)
![Breadboard Design](./design/Controller Monitor rev3_bb.png "Breadboard Design") Diagram exports and original files are in the ./design/ folder.
There is also an errata list of things not currently included in the diagrams.
Use the Arduino IDE; you must install the dependencies as libraries within dependencies/ . That includes installing u8glib, which must be downloaded and installed. See ./dependencies/
To download the submodules:
git submodule init
git submodule update
See ./dependencies/ for instructions on loading them into the Arduino IDE; in particular the U8glib library needs special care.
You must ensure the Real-time Clock is set before logging can function; load, compile, install and run the ds1138 sketch example once to set the clock. Then you should re-compile and load the Monitor software immediately, as the ds1138 sketch will set the RTC clock to its' compile time each time it starts.
After proving the circuit in real-world testing, the next revision is planned to be rendered to PCB form for added compactness. Given the lack of Fritzing-based fabrication facilities, rev 5 of the circuit design will be based on EagleCAD.