Make sure to install docker and docker-compose before proceeding with the application.
Create .env file for managing environment configuration for MySQL.
Sample db.env
This file can be placed any where in the project, but the default docker-compose expects the file at ./config/db.env
Note: Initialize dotnet user secrets if you have never used dotnet secrets.
Create user sceret for accessing the connectionstring established in the db.env
. This command should be run from the /api folder.
dotnet user-secrets set ConnectionStrings.docker-app "Server=db-container;Port=db-port;Database=database-name;Uid=basic-user;Pwd=basic-user-password"
This is not required as there are many other options for database management. But migrations are a stanard functionality in EF.
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
Add DBContext and connectionstring information to Startup.cs
services.AddDbContext<DockerAppContext>(options =>
Install the aspnet-codegenerator tool in order to quickly scaffold controllers based off the EF context.
aspnet-codegenerator controller -name UserController -api -m User -dc DockerAppContext --relativeFolderPath Controllers/v1
The default VS Code task executes the following:
docker compose up --build --force-recreate --detach