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Fulgor is a fast and space-efficient colored de Bruijn graph index.


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Fulgor is a colored de Bruijn graph index for large-scale matching and color queries, powered by SSHash and GGCAT.

The Fulgor index is described in the following papers:

Please, cite these papers if you use Fulgor.

Table of contents



The code uses the GGCAT Rust library, so make sure you have Rust installed. If not, Rust can be installed as recommended here, with

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh


If you do not have zlib installed, you can do

sudo apt-get install zlib1g

if you are on Linux/Ubuntu, or

brew install zlib

if you are using MacOS.

Compiling the code

The code is tested on Linux with gcc and on MacOS with clang. To build the code, CMake is required.

First clone the repository with

git clone

and then do

git submodule update --init --recursive

to pull all necessary submodules before compilation.

To compile the code for a release environment (see file CMakeLists.txt for the used compilation flags), it is sufficient to do the following, within the parent fulgor directory:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j

For a testing environment, use the following instead:

mkdir debug_build
cd debug_build
make -j

Tools and usage

There is one executable called fulgor after the compilation, which can be used to run a tool. Run ./fulgor to see a list of available tools.

== Fulgor: a colored de Bruijn graph index ================================

Usage: ./fulgor <tool> ...

  build              build a Fulgor index
  pseudoalign        pseudoalign reads to references
  stats              print index statistics
  print-filenames    print all reference filenames

Advanced tools:
  permute            permute the reference names of a Fulgor index
  dump               write unitigs and color sets in text format
  color              build a meta- or a diff- or a meta-diff- Fulgor index

For large-scale indexing, it could be necessary to increase the number of file descriptors that can be opened simultaneously:

ulimit -n 2048

Quick start

This short demo shows how to index the 10-genome collection in the folder test_data/salmonella_10 with Fulgor. We will use the standard value k = 31.

First create a list of filenames (with absolute paths) for the files in test_data/salmonella_10. From fulgor/test_data, do

find $(pwd)/salmonella_10/* > salmonella_10_filenames.txt

Then, from fulgor/build, run

./fulgor build -l ../test_data/salmonella_10_filenames.txt -o ../test_data/salmonella_10 -k 31 -m 19 -d tmp_dir -g 1 -t 1 --verbose --check

to build an index that will be serialized to the file test_data/salmonella_10.fur.

Indexing an example Salmonella pangenome

In this example, we will build a Fulgor index, with k = 31, for the 4,546 Salmonella genomes that can be downloaded from here.

We assume all commands are issue from within the home (~/) directory.

After download, create a list of all .fasta filenames with

find $(pwd)/Salmonella_enterica/Genomes/*.fasta > salmonella_4546_filenames.txt

and, from fulgor/build, run

./fulgor build -l ~/salmonella_4546_filenames.txt -o ~/Salmonella_enterica/salmonella_4546 -k 31 -m 20 -d tmp_dir -g 8 -t 8 --verbose --check

which will create an index named ~/Salmonella_enterica/salmonella_4546.fur of 0.266 GB.

We can now pseudoalign the reads from SRR801268, as follows.

First, download the reads in ~/ with (assuming you have wget installed):


and then process them with:

./fulgor pseudoalign -i ~/Salmonella_enterica/salmonella_4546.fur -q ~/SRR801268_1.fastq.gz -t 8 -o /dev/null

mapped 6584304 reads
elapsed = 130133 millisec / 130.133 sec / 2.16888 min / 19.7641 musec/read
num_mapped_reads 5796427/6584304 (88.034%)

using 8 parallel threads and writing the mapping output to /dev/null.

To partition the index to obtain a meta-colored Fulgor index, then do:

./fulgor color -i ~/Salmonella_enterica/salmonella_4546.fur -d tmp_dir --meta --check

We can change the option --meta to --diff to create a differential-colored index, or use both options, --meta --diff, to create a meta-differential-colored index. See the table below.

command output file size (GB) compression factor
color --meta salmonella_4546.mfur 0.11769 2.26
color --diff salmonella_4546.dfur 0.11076 2.40
color --meta --diff salmonella_4546.mdfur 0.09389 2.84

The following table is taken from the paper "Where the patters are: repetition-aware compression for colored de Bruijn graphs" and shows the size of the various Fulgor indexes on several larger pangenomes.

Index size

Pseudoalignment output format

The tool pseudoalign writes the result to an output file, in plain text format, specified with the option -o [output-filename].

This file has one line for each mapped read, formatted as follows:


where [list] is a TAB-separated list of increasing integers, of length [list-length], representing the list of reference identifiers to which the read is mapped. ([TAB] is the character \t.)


NODE_11_length_149361_cov_9.71634_ID_21 1       0
NODE_3406_length_341_cov_20.0437_ID_681	1       0
NODE_4745_length_118_cov_12.7931_ID_949	3       0       3       7
NODE_102_length_2047_cov_18.1471_ID_203 1       0
NODE_477_length_1163_cov_22.0531_ID_953 2       0       8
NODE_9_length_173161_cov_9.33695_ID_17  1       0
NODE_22_length_45757_cov_12.1361_ID_43  1       0

Important note

If pseudoalignment is performed against a meta-colored or a differential-meta-colored Fulgor index, the reference identifiers in the pseudoalignment output might not correspond to the ones assigned following the input-file order as specified with option -l during index construction. This is because the meta-colored index re-assignes identifiers to references to improve index compression.

In this case, the reference identifiers in the pseudoalignment output are consistent with the ones returned by the print-filenames tool.