A video analysis and modelling CLI tool/GUI for physics education purposes.
The video processing tool is designed to analyze and visualize data from video files. Uses semi-automated tracking to calculate position, velocity and acceleration data.
Key Features:
- File Handling: Allows users to select and load video files using a file dialog.
- Video Analysis: Processes video files to extract and analyze relevant data, such as blob detection, velocity, and acceleration calculations.
- Data Visualization: Integrates matplotlib to display graphs and tables based on video analysis results.
- Graphical User Interface (GUI): Utilizes tkinter and ttkbootstrap to create a multi-page application for easy navigation and interaction.
Python Libaries utilised: OpenCV, matplotlib, pyinstaller, pandas, ttkbootstrap, tabulate, numpy.
- Fork the project and clone locally.
- Create a new branch for what you're going to work on.
- Push to your origin repository.
- Create a new pull request in GitHub.
Jesse Wang