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Transfers data between sockets and pipes.


Executes with listener and connector options (see below). When the program starts, the icon will be appear on the taskbar. The status window will be shown when double-clicking the taskbar icon.

To exit, use 'Exit' command on the context menu of the taskbar icon.


--listener (-l) and --connector (-c) are required. If specified options are not valid, the usage dialog will be shown.

Usage: stream-connector.exe <options>

  -h, -?, --help : Show this help
  -l <listener>, --listener <listener> : [Required] Add listener (can be specified more than one)
  -c <connector>, --connector <connector> : [Required] Set connector
  -n <name>, --name <name> : User-defined name
  --log <level> : Set log level
    <level>: error, info, debug (default: error)
  --wsl-socat-log-level <level> : Set log level for WSL socat
    <level>: 0 (nothing), 1 (-d), 2 (-dd), 3 (-ddd), 4 (-dddd) (default: 0)
  --wsl-timeout <millisec> : Set timeout for WSL preparing (default: 30000)

  tcp-socket [-4 | -6] [<address>:]<port> : TCP socket listener (port num. can be 0 for auto-assign)
    alias for 'tcp-socket': s, sock, socket, tcp
  unix-socket [--abstract] <file-path> : Unix socket listener (listener with the socket file)
    alias for 'unix-socket': u, unix
  cygwin-sockfile <win-file-path> : Listener with Cygwin-spec socket file
    alias for 'cygwin-sockfile': c
  pipe <pipe-name> : Named-pipe listener
    alias for 'pipe': p
  wsl-tcp-socket [-d <distribution>] [-4 | -6] [<address>:]<port> : TCP socket listener in WSL (port num. can be 0 for auto-assign)
    alias for 'wsl-tcp-socket': ws, wt
  wsl-unix-socket [-d <distribution>] <wsl-file-path> : Unix socket listener in WSL (listener with the socket file in WSL)
    alias for 'wsl-unix-socket': wu

  tcp-socket <address>:<port> : TCP socket connector (port num. cannot be 0)
  unix-socket [--abstract] <file-name> : Unix socket connector
  pipe <pipe-name> : Named-pipe connector
  wsl-tcp-socket [-d <distribution>] <address>:<port> : TCP socket connector in WSL (port num. cannot be 0)
  wsl-unix-socket [-d <distribution>] [--abstract] <wsl-file-path> : Unix socket connector in WSL

-h, -?, --help

Shows usage and exit.

-l <listener>, --listener <listener>

(Required option)

Specifies 'listener', the data source to transfer. The listener can be specified more than one; multiple listeners are allowed. The listeners are created when the program starts.

The followings are the listeners which can be specified as <listener>.

tcp-socket [-4 | -6] [<address>:]<port>

Alias for tcp-socket: s sock socket tcp

Creates TCP socket and listens with specified address and port.

  • If -4 is specified, IPv4 is used.
  • If -6 is specified, IPv6 is used.
  • If -4 or -6 is not specified and <address> starts with [, IPv6 is used; otherwise IPv4 is used.

If <address> is omitted, or [::1] is used.

unix-socket [--abstract] <file-path>

Alias for unix-socket: u unix

Creates Unix socket and listens with specified file. If --abstract (or -a) is specified, the socket is bound as 'abstract'.
The file specified in <file-path> must writable and not be exist. When program exits, the file will be removed.

Note: Unix socket doesn't work well for some Windows 10 version (at least Build 19042 is required)

cygwin-sockfile <file-name>

Alias for cygwin-sockfile: c

Creates 'Cygwin'-based Unix socket and listens with specified file. Unlike 'unix-socket', the file is created as a regular file which emulates Unix socket for Cygwin or MSYS2. When program exits, the file will be removed.

Note: This option does not require Cygwin or MSYS2 environments.

pipe <pipe-name>

Alias for pipe: p

Creates named pipe and waits for connected. The pipe name (<pipe-name>) must start with \\.\pipe\.

wsl-tcp-socket [--distribution <distro>] [-4 | -6] [<address>:]<port>

Alias for wsl-tcp-socket: ws wt

Not supported for x86 version.

Creates TCP socket and listens with specified address and port on WSL environment.

Note: socat must be installed on specified WSL environment. Also, WSL must be installed on Windows. :)

  • --distribution <distro> (or -d <distro>) : Specifies existing distribution name to listen.
  • If --distribution (or -d) is omitted, the default distribution is used.
  • If -4 is specified, IPv4 (tcp4-listen) is used.
  • If -6 is specified, IPv6 (tcp6-listen) is used.
  • If -4 or -6 is not specified and <address> starts with [, IPv6 is used; otherwise IPv4 is used.

If <address> is omitted, or [::1] is used.

wsl-unix-socket [--distribution <distro>] [<wsl-file-path>]

Alias for wsl-unix-socket: wu

Not supported for x86 version.

Creates Unix socket and listens with specified file on WSL environment.

Note: socat must be installed on specified WSL environment. Also, WSL must be installed on Windows. :)

  • --distribution <distro> (or -d <distro>) : Specifies existing distribution name to listen.
  • If --distribution (or -d) is omitted, the default distribution is used.
  • The file path <wsl-file-path> must be the valid file path on the WSL environment. The file will be removed when the program exits.

-c <connector>, --connector <connector>

(Required option)

Specifies 'connector', the target to transfer. The connector is created when the listener(s) accepts; not when the program starts.

The followings are the connectors which can be specified as <connector>.

tcp-socket <address>:<port>

Alias for tcp-socket: s sock socket tcp

Creates TCP socket and connects with specified address and port.

unix-socket [--abstract] <file-path>

Alias for unix-socket: u unix

Creates Unix socket and connects with specified file. If --abstract (or -a) is specified, the socket is bound as 'abstract'.
The file specified in <file-path> must be accessible as a Unix socket.

Note: Unix socket doesn't work well for some Windows 10 version (at least Build 19042 is required)

pipe <pipe-name>

Alias for pipe: p

Opens named pipe. The pipe name (<pipe-name>) must start with \\.\pipe\.

wsl-tcp-socket [--distribution <distro>] <address>:<port>

Alias for wsl-tcp-socket: ws wt

Not supported for x86 version.

Creates TCP socket and connects with specified address and port on WSL environment.

  • --distribution <distro> (or -d <distro>) : Specifies existing distribution name to listen.
  • If --distribution (or -d) is omitted, the default distribution is used.

Note: socat must be installed on specified WSL environment. Also, WSL must be installed on Windows. :)

wsl-unix-socket [--distribution <distro>] [<wsl-file-path>]

Alias for wsl-unix-socket: wu

Not supported for x86 version.

Creates Unix socket and connects with specified file on WSL environment.

  • --distribution <distro> (or -d <distro>) : Specifies existing distribution name to listen.
  • If --distribution (or -d) is omitted, the default distribution is used.
  • The file path <wsl-file-path> must be must be accessible as a Unix socket on the WSL environment.

Note: socat must be installed on specified WSL environment. Also, WSL must be installed on Windows. :)

-n <name>, --name <name>

Specifies any user-defined name. This name is used for the taskbar icon name and the window title, so you can use this option for distinguishing stream-connector programs executed with different options.

--log <level>

Specifies the log level (logged on the status window). Valid <level> values are: error (default; only logged for errors), info (a bit verbose), debug (more verbose)

--wsl-timeout <millisec>

Specifies the timeout value for preparing WSL processes (default: 30000)

--wsl-socat-log-level <level>

Alias: --wsl-socat-log

Specifies the log-level value for WSL socat. Following values are valid:

  • 0 : Default logs (default)
  • 1 : -d
  • 2 : -dd
  • 3 : -ddd
  • 4 : -dddd

Note: -d, -dd, -ddd, and -dddd can be used as <level> value.

-x <proxy-id>, --proxy <proxy-id>

Used internally.


stream-connector -l tcp-socket -c tcp-socket my-host.mydomain:3001

Listens port 3001 (for and transfers to my-host.mydomain:3001.

Note: To make simple port forwardings, use netsh interface portproxy rather than this program.

stream-connector -l wsl-tcp-socket 6000 -c tcp-socket localhost:6000

Listens port 6000 on WSL environment (using default distribution) and transfers to localhost:6000.

stream-connector -l cygwin-sockfile C:\Temp\my-agent.sock -l wsl-unix-socket -d Ubuntu-20.04 /tmp/my-agent.sock -c pipe \\.\pipe\openssh-ssh-agent

Creates my-agent.sock files both on C:\Temp (as Cygwin socket) and on /tmp of WSL Ubuntu-20.04 environment, and transfers received data to the pipe \\.\pipe\openssh-ssh-agent. This allows to forward SSH agent from Cygwin/MSYS2 based SSH clients and WSL SSH clients to Windows OpenSSH agent.


Use Visual Studio 2019 or Build Tools (using MSBuild).

msbuild /p:Configuration=Debug,Platform=x64 stream-connector.vcxproj


BSD 3-Clause License