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C++ (and for C++) implementation of big subset of Jinja 2 template engine features


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C++ implementation of big subset of Jinja 2 template engine features. This library was inspired by Jinja2CppLight project and brings support of mostly all Jinja 2 templates features into C++ world. Unlike inja lib, you have to build Jinja2Cpp, but it has only one dependence: boost.

Main features of Jinja2Cpp:

  • Easy-to-use public interface. Just load templates and render them.
  • Support for both narrow- and wide-character strings both for templates and parameters.
  • Built-in reflection for C++ types.
  • Powerful Jinja 2 expressions with filtering (via '|' operator) and 'if' expressions.
  • Main control statements (set, for, if).

For example, this simple code:

std::string source = R"(
{{ ("Hello", 'world') | join }}!!!
{{ ("Hello", 'world') | join(', ') }}!!!
{{ ("Hello", 'world') | join(d = '; ') }}!!!

Template tpl;

std::string result = tpl.RenderAsString(ValuesMap());

produces the result string:

Hello, world!!!
Hello; world!!!

Getting started

In order to use Jinja2Cpp in your project you have to:

  • Clone the Jinja2Cpp repository
  • Build it according with the instructions
  • Link with your project.

Usage of Jinja2Cpp in the code is pretty simple:

  1. Declare the jinja2::Template object:
jinja2::Template tpl;
  1. Populate it with template:
tpl.Load("{{'Hello World' }}!!!");
  1. Render the template:
std::cout << tpl.RenderAsString(jinja2::ValuesMap{}) << std::endl;

and get:

Hello World!!!

That's all!

The render procedure is stateless, so you can perform several renderings simultaneously in different threads. Even if you pass parameters:

    ValuesMap params = {
        {"intValue", 3},
        {"doubleValue", 12.123f},
        {"stringValue", "rain"},
        {"boolFalseValue", false},
        {"boolTrueValue", true},

    std::string result = tpl.RenderAsString(params);
    std::cout << result << std::endl;

Parameters could have the following types:

  • std::string/std::wstring
  • integer (int64_t)
  • double
  • boolean (bool)
  • Tuples (also known as arrays)
  • Dictionaries (also known as maps)

Tuples and dictionaries can be mapped to the C++ types. So you can smoothly reflect your structures and collections into the template engine:

namespace jinja2
struct TypeReflection<reflection::EnumInfo> : TypeReflected<reflection::EnumInfo>
    static auto& GetAccessors()
        static std::unordered_map<std::string, FieldAccessor> accessors = {
            {"name", [](const reflection::EnumInfo& obj) {return Reflect(;}},
            {"scopeSpecifier", [](const reflection::EnumInfo& obj) {return Reflect(obj.scopeSpecifier);}},
            {"namespaceQualifier", [](const reflection::EnumInfo& obj) { return obj.namespaceQualifier;}},
            {"isScoped", [](const reflection::EnumInfo& obj) {return obj.isScoped;}},
            {"items", [](const reflection::EnumInfo& obj) {return Reflect(obj.items);}},

        return accessors;

// ...
    jinja2::ValuesMap params = {
        {"enum", jinja2::Reflect(enumInfo)},

In this cases method 'jinja2::reflect' reflects regular C++ type into jinja2 template param. If type is a user-defined class or structure then handwritten mapper 'TypeReflection<>' should be provided.

Current Jinja2 support

Currently, Jinja2Cpp supports the limited number of Jinja2 features. By the way, Jinja2Cpp is planned to be full jinja2 specification-conformant. The current support is limited to:

  • expressions. You can use almost every style of expressions: simple, filtered, conditional, and so on.
  • limited number of filters (join, sort)
  • limited number of testers (defined, startsWith)
  • limited number of functions (range, loop.cycle)
  • 'if' statement (with 'elif' and 'else' branches)
  • 'for' statement (with 'else' branch support)
  • 'set' statement

Supported compilers

Compilation of Jinja2Cpp tested on the following compilers (with C++14 enabled feature):

  • Linux gcc 5.0
  • Linux gcc 6.0
  • Linux gcc 7.0
  • Linux clang 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 x86
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 x86

Build and install

Jinja2Cpp has got only one external dependency: boost library (at least version 1.55). Because of types from boost are used inside library, you should compile both your projects and Jinja2Cpp library with similar compiler settings. Otherwise ABI could be broken.

In order to compile Jinja2Cpp you need:

  1. Install CMake build system (at least version 3.0)
  2. Clone jinja2cpp repository and update submodules:
> git clone
> git submodule -q update --init
  1. Create build directory:
> cd Jinja2Cpp
> mkdir build
  1. Run CMake and build the library:
> cd build
> cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path to install folder>
> cmake --build . --target all

"Path to install folder" here is a path to the folder where you want to install Jinja2Cpp lib.

  1. Install library:
> cmake --build . --target install
  1. Also you can run the tests:
> ctest -C Release

Additional CMake build flags

You can define (via -D command line CMake option) the following build flags:

  • WITH_TESTS (default TRUE) - build or not Jinja2Cpp tests.
  • MSVC_RUNTIME_TYPE (default /MD) - MSVC runtime type to link with (if you use Microsoft Visual Studio compiler).
  • LIBRARY_TYPE Could be STATIC (default for Windows platform) or SHARED (default for Linux). Specify the type of Jinja2Cpp library to build.

Link with you projects

Jinja2Cpp is shipped with cmake finder script. So you can:

  1. Include Jinja2Cpp cmake scripts to the project:
  1. Use regular 'find' script:
  1. Add found paths to the project settings:


or just link with Jinja2Cpp target:



C++ (and for C++) implementation of big subset of Jinja 2 template engine features







No packages published


  • C++ 96.3%
  • CMake 3.7%