IceNvim is a beautiful, powerful and customizable neovim config.
- Ideal for development:
- Set up for C# / Flutter / Lua / Python / Rust / Web development and markdown writing
- Git integration
- Enhanced editing experience:
- Plugins such as
- For Chinese users, automatic IME switching when changing modes (needs additional setup)
- Plugins such as
- Nice looks:
- Multiple colorschemes made ready
- A custom colorschemes picker
- User friendly:
- Uses which-key.nvim for new comers to check out keymaps
- Well equiped:
- An icon viewer to check whether your font works well with icons
- A configuration file selector
- Modern: uses
- Customizable:
- Override defaults with your own config file
- This neovim configuration requires neovim 0.9.0+
- Additionally, you need to install these also:
- A nerd font: this is optional, but things may look funny without one installed
- git: almost all the plugin and lsp installations depend on it
- Required by Mason:
- curl
- gzip / 7zip
- wget
- Required by telescope:
- fd
- ripgrep
- Required by nvim treesitter:
- gcc
- node
- npm
- Required by rust-tools:
- rust-analyzer (NOT the rust-analyzer provided by Mason!!!)
- python3 and pip3
- Additional dependencies on Linux:
- unzip
- virtual environment
- xclip (for accessing system clipboard; not required on WSL)
- zip
Note that some of the packages might have different names with different package managers!
On Windows:
git clone "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim"
On Linux:
git clone ~/.config/nvim
For automatic IME switching when inputing Chinese, im-select.exe is needed.
Download it from and place to the bin
repository in the configuration directory.
Additionally, if you are using wsl, you might have to do this:
chmod +x ~/.config/nvim/bin/im-select.exe
This neovim configuration allows users to override the default configuration by creating a custom
dir under lua/
IceNvim will try to detect and load custom/init.lua
. Since custom/
is git-ignored, it will be easy for you to make your own configurations without messing up the original git repo and missing follow-up updates.
Most IceNvim config options can be found under a global variable Ice
. The entire setup follows this routine:
- IceNvim sets its default options and store some of them, e.g., plugin config and keymaps, in
- IceNvim loads
- IceNvim uses
to set up plugins and create keymaps
Therefore, almost everything IceNvim defines can be re-configured by you.
An example custom/init.lua
Ice.plugins["nvim-transparent"].enabled = false
Ice.keymap.general.open_terminal = { "n", "<leader>terminal", ":split term://bash<CR>" }
local autogroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("OverrideFtplugin", { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufEnter", {
group = autogroup,
callback = function()
if == "lua" then
vim.cmd "setlocal colorcolumn=120"
When installing omnisharp, make sure that dotnet sdk is installed.
When receiving nuget-related errors when installing csharpier, you might have to configure nuget source (see
dotnet nuget add source -n
By custom, Neorg uses explorer.exe
to open links on Wsl. While this may work well with opening web links, it is not
quite so with file links, such as {file:///path/to/file}
, as this is not a recognizable link for Windows' explorer.exe
Until a workaround is provided by Neorg, one can define an explorer.exe
in /bin
echo 'wslview "$*' | sudo tee /bin/explorer.exe
sudo chmod +x /bin/explorer.exe
My preferred way of opening files with Windows programs is wslview
, but you can still use whatever command you like better, such as xdg-open
You need to check how you installed rust. I have not been able to set up rust-analyzer when installing rust only (e.g., via scoop install rust
or sudo zypper in rust
) either, but with the officially recommended way, i.e., by installing rustup, everything works properly.
Also, you might find that completion does not work when first opening a rust project. That is because some time needs to be taken to index the code, and completion would only work after indexing is done.