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About project: Tab app with microsoft graph api

This project is tabs app add-in for Microsoft Teams.

  • Client side: ReactJS
  • Server side: NodeJS


How to run in localhost

If you want to run in localhost, you can use 2 options.

  1. With server-side code
  2. Without server-side code: SSO authentication provided by teams toolkit

1. With server-side code

  1. Install package npm run installAll
  2. Register new App in Portal Azure You can hit the F5 key in VS Code (Teams tookit will auto create new app and setup everything) or create by yourself Register an Azure AD App
  3. Edit .env for tabs
  • Open folder tabs
  • Open your app in 2. and copy Application (client) ID
  • copy .env.sample and rename file to .env. Then paste your App id in REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID appid
  1. Upadate Application (client) ID in auth-start.html (client side)
  2. Edit .env for server
  • Open folder server
  • Open your app in 2. and copy Certificates value (3rd column in below figure). If you can't copy value, you can create new one (click New client secret)
  • copy .env.sample and rename file to .env. Then paste your App id in CLIENT_ID and Certificates value in CLIENT_SECRET cer
  1. Run client side (tabs) in local cd tabs and npm run start
  2. Run server side in local cd server and npm run start
  3. Upload Manifest
    • go to folder manifest
    • copy file manifest.sample.json and rename to manifest.json
    • cd .fx/states/state.local.json and copy value {{fx-resource-appstudio.teamsAppId}}= teamsAppId {{localSettings.auth.clientId}} = clientId {{{localSettings.auth.applicationIdUris}}} = applicationIdUris
    • If you have no localSetting.json, hitting F5 or you can copy value from your app overview in Portal Azure (teamsAppId can be any value in format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
    • Compress manifest.json and folder resources to zip file.
    • open MS Teams app in browser. Then click Apps> Upload a custom app and upload your zip file

upload app

2. Without server-side code

  • npm run installAll
  • hitting the F5 key in Visual Studio Code.

How to run server side with Ngrok

  1. cd server and npm run start
  2. Install ngrok and run ngrok http 55000 ngrok
  3. Copy your path forwarding

How to host client side on Firebase

Firebase Tutorial - How to Set Up and Deploy with ReactJS

  1. cd tabs
  2. Copy .env.sample.production and rename to .env.production
  3. Change REACT_APP_TEAMSFX_ENDPOINT to ngrok path forwarding
  4. npm run build:production
  5. firebase deploy

NOTE: If you use free version ngrok, the path was change after you terminate the server side. So you must update .env.production, npm run build:production, and deploy

How to test on production

  1. cd manifestProd

  2. copy file manifest.sample.json and rename to manifest.json

  3. edit to your client domain

  4. edit webApplicationInfo.resource to api://{your-client-domain}/{your-app-client-id-from-portalAzure} such as api://

  5. Add redirectUri in Portal Azure redirectUri NOTE: It must be your client domain

  6. Update Expose API in portal Azure. The value be the same as 4. exposeApi NOTE: If webApplicationInfo.resource not be the same as expose api in azure portal, the error resourceDisabled was found.

  7. Compress manifefst to zip and upload in MS Teams for testing.

Edit the manifest

You can find the Teams app manifest in templates/appPackage folder. The folder contains two manifest files:

  • manifest.local.template.json: Manifest file for Teams app running locally.
  • manifest.remote.template.json: Manifest file for Teams app running remotely (After deployed to Azure).

Both files contain template arguments with {...} statements which will be replaced at build time. You may add any extra properties or permissions you require to this file. See the schema reference for more information.

Deploy to Azure

Deploy your project to Azure by following these steps:

From Visual Studio Code From TeamsFx CLI
  • Open Teams Toolkit, and sign into Azure by clicking the Sign in to Azure under the ACCOUNTS section from sidebar.
  • After you signed in, select a subscription under your account.
  • Open the Teams Toolkit and click Provision in the cloud from DEVELOPMENT section or open the command palette and select: Teams: Provision in the cloud.
  • Open the Teams Toolkit and click Deploy to the cloud or open the command palette and select: Teams: Deploy to the cloud.
  • Run command teamsfx account login azure.
  • Run command teamsfx account set --subscription <your-subscription-id>.
  • Run command teamsfx provision.
  • Run command: teamsfx deploy.

Note: Provisioning and deployment may incur charges to your Azure Subscription.

Validate manifest file

To check that your manifest file is valid:

  • From Visual Studio Code: open the Teams Toolkit and click Validate manifest file or open the command palette and select: Teams: Validate manifest file.
  • From TeamsFx CLI: run command teamsfx validate in your project directory.