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A minimal neovim configuration written in Lua


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Neovim configuration

A minimal Neovim configuration written in lua

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Table of contents

1. Introduction

Neovim is a pretty cool successor to Vim, focusing on compatibility while adding asynchronous plugin functionality and trying to clean up the code base. Having been fed up at various times with both Sublime Text (2 and 3) and Atom, and after realizing how much development I do over SSH, it seemed reasonable to check out using vim (or nvim, in this case) as my IDE. The advantages essentially boil down to:

  • Consistent IDE over SSH or locally,
  • No need to ever use the mouse while coding (takes longer to learn, but is faster; this is aided by vim-easymotion and Ctrl-Space),
  • It’s been around forever, and frankly, probably always will be.

Therefore, I decided to create this repository. There are several versions, checkout CHANGELOG.

This configuration is meant as a starting point, and it fits my needs only. If you want to customize it, jump to 6. Customization.

2. Installation

  • Requirements:
  • Backup your current neovim config, if necessary:
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
  • Neovim's configurations are located under the following paths, depending on your OS:
Linux, MacOS $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim, ~/.config/nvim
Windows (cmd) %localappdata%\nvim\
Windows (powershell) $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim\
  • Fork this repo so that you have your own copy that you can modify, then install by cloning the fork to your machine using one of the commands below, depending on your OS.

NOTE Your fork's url will be something like this:<your_github_username>/neovim-config.git

  • Get your configuration:

NOTE If following the recommended step above (i.e., forking the repo), replace ntk148v with <your_github_username> in the commands below

Linux and Mac
git clone "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"/nvim

If you're using cmd.exe:

git clone "%localappdata%\nvim"

If you're using powershell.exe

git clone "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\nvim"
  • Start Neovim, Lazy should be installed automatically, then it will install plugins.
  • Restart Neovim and enjoy it.
  • Keep updated: You should keep updated using git pull.

3. File structure

The files under config will be automatically loaded at the appropriate time, so you don't need to require those files manually.

tree ~/.config/nvim
├── init.lua
├── lazy-lock.json
└── lua
    ├── autocmds.lua
    ├── custom.lua
    ├── mappings.lua
    ├── options.lua
    ├── plugins
    │   ├── configs
    │   │   ├── cmp.lua
    │   │   ├── gitsigns.lua
    │   │   ├── lspconfig.lua
    │   │   ├── lualine.lua
    │   │   ├── luasnip.lua
    │   │   ├── mason.lua
    │   │   ├── null-ls.lua
    │   │   ├── telescope.lua
    │   │   ├── tree.lua
    │   │   └── treesitter.lua
    │   └── init.lua
    └── sample_custom.lua

4. Plugins & LSP

4.1. Plugins

Plugin Description
lazy.nvim A modern plugin manager for Neovim
mason.nvim Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
nvim-lspconfig A collection of common configurations for Neovim's built-in language server client
gitsigns Super fast git decorations implemented purely in lua/teal
nvim-treesitter Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer
nvim-cmp Auto completion plugin
LuaSnip Snippet Engine for Neovim written in Lua
nvim-tree.lua - A File Explorer written In Lua
nvim-autopairs A super powerful autopairs for Neovim
nvim-web-devicons Lua fork of vim-web-devicons for neovim
lualine.nvim A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.
norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua The fastest Neovim colorizer.
nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
rosé-pine Soho vibes for Neovim
nvimtools/none-ls.nvim null-ls.nvim reloaded / Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua.
folke/which-key.nvim Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey helps you remember your Neovim keymaps, by showing available keybindings in a popup as you type.

4.2. LSP

By default, the follow LSP servers are installed and configured:

Furthermore, it integrates with nvim-treesitter to provide rich syntax highlighting and other language parsing magic.

If your language is not supported, please follow this:

  • Check if LSP support is available in the lspconfig repo. To install a supported language server with mason:
:LspInstall `<your_language_server>`
  • Check if your syntax is supported in the treesitter repo. To install a language syntax highlight, run:
:TSInstall `<language_to_install>`

You can add more LSP servers and language syntax highlighting by editing the custom file.

5. Keymaps

These are the default keymaps, in the following shortcuts, the <leader>+` key is set up to `` (space) character, check: keymaps.lua.

Shortcut Mode Description
kk Insert Esc with kk
<leader>+r Normal Reload configuration file
<leader>+s Normal Save file
<leader>+q Normal Save (close all windows) and exit from Neovim
<leader>+n Normal Open NvimTree
<leader>+nr Normal Refresh NvimTree
<leader>+nf Normal Find file in NvimTree
<leader>+ff Normal Open Telescope to find files
<leader>+fg Normal Open Telescope to do live grep
<leader>+fb Normal Open Telescope to list buffers
<leader>+fh Normal Open Telescope to show help
<leader>+fo Normal Open Telescope to show recent opened files
<leader>+cm Normal Open Telescope to list git commits
<leader>+wh/j/k/l Normal Move around splits
mm Normal Comment/Uncomment line

There are many default keymaps, you can check it using :map command. There are also other variants:

  • :nmap for normal mode mappings
  • :vmap for visual mode mappings
  • :imap for insert mode mappings

The above list is not complete. Typing :help map in Vim will give you more info.

6. Customization

You can customize this configuration by creating the custom module. You can choose either two ways:

  • Create ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nvim/lua/custom.lua file.
  • Create module ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nvim/lua/custom/ if your custom configuration is too long, and you want to separate it into multiple files.

Checkout the sample custom file for the starting point. The logic is taken from CyberNvim. There are a number of defined sections in the config:

  • M.setup_sources is used to add extra sources to connect to Null-ls - you can find a list of sources here. The parameter b is just short for null_ls.builtins.
  • M.ensure_installed is used to add extra Treesitter highlighter.
  • M.plugins is where you will add your own plugin definitions.
  • M.configs is the most important section of your own configuration. This is where you can define any autocommands, require any files, or otherwise completely port your current configuration.
  • M.formatting_servers is used to setup auto formatting rules. You need to select the language server that will provide autoformatting capabilities

7. Screenshots

dark dark
dark dark
dark dark

8. Contribution

Feel free to file an issue or open a pull request. You're welcome!

9. Guide and resources


A minimal neovim configuration written in Lua







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  • Lua 100.0%