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Logic Compiler

This is a simple logic compiler that interprets a language with boolean expressions and control flow structures.

Tokens: The language have the following tokens:

  • Keywords: AND, OR, NOT, TRUE, FALSE, if, else, then, for, while, var
  • Symbols: (, ), {, }, =, ;
  • Identifiers: Strings that start with a letter and are followed by any number of letters or digits.

Grammar: Language Grammar could be defined as follows:

The language has the following grammar:

  • program: A list of statements.
  • statement: An if-else statement, a while loop, a for loop, a variable declaration, or an assignment.
  • statements: A list of statements.
  • expr: A boolean value, a not expression, a binary operation, or an identifier.


  • ast.c and ast.h: Define the abstract syntax tree (AST) for the logical expressions.
  • interpreter.c and interpreter.h: Define the interpreter that evaluates the AST.
  • lexer.l: Defines the lexical analyzer that tokenizes the input.
  • parser.y: Defines the syntax analyzer that parses the tokens into an AST.
  • main.c: Contains the main function that ties everything together.
  • Makefile: Defines the build rules for the project.
  • test.c: Contains a test program that runs the logic compiler on several test files and checks if the output matches the expected result.

Test Files:

  • declaration_tests/test_var_declaration.txt: Tests variable declaration.

  • declaration_tests/test_var_expression.txt: Tests using variables in expressions.

  • declaration_tests/test_var_multiple.txt: Tests declaring multiple variables.

  • declaration_tests/test_var_reassignment.txt: Tests reassigning a value to a variable.

  • declaration_tests/test_var_usage.txt: Tests using a variable after it has been declared.

  • if-else_tests/logical_op_if-else.txt: Tests using logical operators in if-else conditions.

  • if-else_tests/nested_if-else.txt: Tests nested if-else statements.

  • if-else_tests/simple_if-else.txt: Tests simple if-else statements.

  • loop_tests/for_loop.txt: Tests for loops.

  • loop_tests/while_loop.txt: Tests while loops.

Each of these test files contains source code in the logic language presented. The test program runs the logic compiler on each file and checks if the output matches the expected result. If the output does not match, the test fails and the program prints an error message.


The logic compiler can:

  • Parse and interpret boolean expressions with AND, OR, and NOT operators.
  • Handle control flow with if-else statements, while loops, and for loops.
  • Declare variables with the var keyword and assign values to them.
  • Reassign values to variables.

Building and Running

The project uses a Makefile for building the executable. Here's how you can build and run the project:

  1. To build the project, navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run the following command:

This command will compile the source files and generate an executable named logic_compiler.

  1. To run the logic compiler on a file, use the following command:
./logic_compiler <file>
  1. To clean the project (remove the compiled files), use the following command:
make clean

This command will remove the object files and the logic_compiler executable.

  1. To run the tests, first compile the test program with the following command:
gcc test.c -o test

Then, run the test program with the following command:


This will print the output of each test file and whether the test passed or failed.

Example Usage 1 ( Declare Variables var)

To use the logic compiler, write a logical expression in a text file using the tokens and grammar defined above. Then, run the logic compiler on the file using the command shown in the "Building and Running" section. The logic compiler will print the result of the expression.

Here's an example:

  1. Write your logical expression in a text file. For example, you might write the following in a file named example.txt:
var x = TRUE;
var y = FALSE;
var z = x OR y;
  1. Run the logic compiler on the file:
./logic_compiler example.txt

Output: The logic compiler will print the result of the expression:

Result: 1

Example Usage 2 ( if-else Statements)

  1. Write your source code in a text file. For example:
var x = TRUE;
var y = FALSE;
var z = FALSE;
if (x) then {
    if (y) then {
        z = TRUE;
    } else {
        z = FALSE;
} else {
    z = TRUE;
  1. Run the logic compiler with the source code file as an argument:
./logic_compiler your_source_code.txt
  1. The logic compiler will interpret the source code and print the result of the last expression evaluated:

Here's a step-by-step explanation:

  1. Three variables x, y, and z are declared and initialized. x is TRUE, y and z are FALSE.

  2. The first if statement checks if x is TRUE. Since x is TRUE, the code inside the then block is executed.

  3. Inside the then block, there's another if statement that checks if y is TRUE. Since y is FALSE, the code inside the else block is executed.

  4. In the else block, z is assigned the value FALSE.

  5. The program ends after executing the if-else statement. In this language, the result of the program is the value of the last expression evaluated. In this case, the last expression is z = FALSE; inside the else block. Since FALSE is equivalent to 0, the result of the program is 0.

So, the final values of the variables x, y, and z are TRUE, FALSE, and FALSE respectively, and the result of the program is:

Result: 0

Example Usage 3 ( for Loop)

  1. Write your source code in a text file. For example:
var y = FALSE;
for (var x = TRUE; x; x = FALSE) {
    y = TRUE;
  1. Run the logic compiler with the source code file as an argument:
./logic_compiler your_source_code.txt
  1. The logic compiler will interpret the source code and print the result of the last expression evaluated:

Here's a step-by-step explanation:

  1. A variable y is declared and initialized to FALSE.

  2. A for loop is started with a new variable x declared and initialized to TRUE. The loop condition is x, and the loop update is x = FALSE.

  3. Inside the for loop, y is assigned the value TRUE.

  4. On the next iteration, x is set to FALSE as per the loop update. Since the loop condition x is now FALSE, the loop ends.

  5. The program ends after executing the for loop. In this language, the result of the program is the value of the last expression evaluated. In this case, the last expression is x = FALSE; in the loop update. Since FALSE is equivalent to 0, the result of the program is 0.

So, the final values of the variables x and y are FALSE and TRUE respectively, and the result of the program is:

Result: 0

Example Usage 4 ( while Loop)

  1. Write your source code in a text file. For example:
var counter = TRUE;
var sum = FALSE;
while (counter) {
    sum = TRUE;
    counter = FALSE;
  1. Run the logic compiler with the source code file as an argument:
./logic_compiler your_source_code.txt
  1. The logic compiler will interpret the source code and print the result of the last expression evaluated:

Here's a step-by-step explanation:

  1. Two variables counter and sum are declared and initialized. counter is TRUE and sum is FALSE.

  2. A while loop is started with the condition counter.

  3. Inside the while loop, sum is assigned the value TRUE and counter is set to FALSE.

  4. On the next iteration, since the loop condition counter is now FALSE, the loop ends.

  5. The program ends after executing the while loop. In this language, the result of the program is the value of the last expression evaluated. In this case, the last expression is counter = FALSE; inside the while loop. Since FALSE is equivalent to 0, the result of the program is 0.

So, the final values of the variables counter and sum are FALSE and TRUE respectively, and the result of the program is:

Result: 0