These assignments were made by Jura Milić. Homeworks were made as part of the JAVA course "Introduction to Programming Language Java" by Marko Čupić in the academic year 2019/2020.
7th and 8th homework were not given, instead the numeration skipped from 6 to 9.
Homework 1:
- factorial function
- rectangle class
- ordered binary tree
Homework 2:
- array indexed collection
- linked list indexed collection
- stack made using Adapter design pattern with array indexed collection as the adaptee
- complex number class which can parse strings into complex number representations
Homework 3:
- iterator for collections from Homework 2
- simple lexer
- more complex lexer and parser
Homework 4:
- parameterize collections from Homework 2
- dictionary made using Adapter design pattern with array indexed collection as the adaptee
- 2D vector class
- simple hash table
Homework 5:
- Lindenmayer system builder
- database emulator
Homework 6:
- encription/depcryption using AES and SHA-256 digest checker
- command line shell
Homework 9:
- 3D vector class
- Complex number class
- complex polynomial class
- fractal viewer
- ray caster
Homework 10:
- calculator with a graphical interface
- bar chart diagrams
Homework 11:
- text editor
Homework 12:
- cutom script language which is parsed using parser from Homework 3 and then executed
- HTTP web server
Homework 13:
- web server with various features including persisting user votes and creating a dynamic Microsoft Excel document
- jsp pages
Homework 14:
- web application which uses JDBC to show and store user votes
Homework 15:
- web application which uses JDBC coupled with JPA and offers login functionality