Jobfinder is an educational project that scrapes job offers on . The project can be found under domain.
- List of available Job offers updated in real time.
- Display basic information, filtering and sorting (Location, technologies, salary, seniority, Employment Type etc.) that allow you to specify job advertisements that interest you
- Reference to original job offer
- Keyword search
- data visualisation
- Python - Crawler/ scrapper programming language, version 3.10
- PHP - website programming language, version 8.1.6
- re - Build in python module for finding patterns in text
- urllib - a package that collects several modules for working with URLs
- 000Webhost - Deploy for Crawler and Website
- MySQL - SQL db hosted on Heroku (Hobby Dev plan)
- jQuery - a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library
- Bootstrap - front-end open source toolkit
- W3.CSS - a modern CSS framework with built-in responsiveness