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Angular UI Tour is a plugin that uses Angular UI Bootstrap's popovers to display a guided product tour. This was originally inspired by Bootstrap Tour as Angular Bootstrap Tour, but after much feedback to remove the jQuery dependency, Angular UI Tour was born. It uses many of the features from Bootstrap Tour, but plays nicely with Angular, and does not have any dependency on Twitter Bootstrap or jQuery!

Check out the live demo here.

Getting Started

It is highly recommended that you use Bower and Wiredep to install this plugin for now. I am working on making it (and its dependencies) available through NPM, but I don't believe it works yet.

Get the package:

bower install angular-ui-tour

Add the script tags:

<script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/ngSmoothScroll/lib/angular-smooth-scroll.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/ez-ng/dist/ez-ng.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-hotkeys/build/hotkeys.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-ui-tour/dist/angular-ui-tour.js"></script>

Then add the module to your app:

angular.module('myApp', ['bm.uiTour']);

Add some styles for the backdrop (feel free to style it however you want):

.tour-backdrop {
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

Tour Configuration

Tours can be configured either programatically in a config block, or declaratively as part of the uiTour directive declaration.

To configure in a config block, use TourConfigProvider.set(optionName, optionValue);

To configure on a tour declaration, use ui-tour-<option-name>="optionValue"


Name Type Default Value Description
placement string "top" Where the popup should display relative to the element.
animation boolean true Should the popup fade in/out.
popupDelay number 1 Time to delay (in ms) between when the popup is requested to show and when it is shown. Note must be positive for multi-page tours to work.
closePopupDelay number 0 Time to delay (in ms) between when the popup is requested to hide and when it is hidden.
appendToBody boolean false Should popups be appended to body (true) or the parent element (false).
scrollOffset number 100 Number of pixels between the top of the viewport and the top of tour step after scrolling
popupClass string "" Adds additional classes to the popup.
orphan boolean false Should the popup display in the center of the viewport (true) or by the element (false).
backdrop boolean false Should there be a backdrop behind the element. Note this can be flaky, I recommend using appendToBody with this to prevent unexpected stacking issues. As of 0.5.0, it is up to you to style the backdrop (class name "tour-backdrop")
backdropZIndex number 10000 Z-index of the backdrop. Popups will be positioned relative to this.
templateUrl string "tour-step-template.html" Used as the template for the contents of the popup (see Angular UI Tooltip docs).
useUiRouter boolean false When navigating with nextPath and prevPath (see below), use UI Router states instead of Angular paths.
useHotkeys boolean false Allows the use of right/left keyboard keys to navigate through steps, and esc key to end the tour.
onReady function null Called when tour is initialized and attached to the scope
onStart function null Called when tour is started, before first popup is shown
onEnd function null Called when tour is ended, after last popup is hidden
onPause function null Called when tour is paused, before current popup is hidden
onResume function null Called when tour is resumed, before current popup is shown
onNext function null Called when next step is requested, before current popup is hidden
onPrev function null Called when previous step is requested, before current popup is hidden
onShow function null Called just before popup is shown
onShown function null Called just after popup is shown
onHide function null Called just before popup is hidden
onHidden function null Called just after popup is hidden

Important: If a lifecyle hook event is overridden in a config block, the function must return a promise. If it is overridden in the directive declaration, it will be wrapped in a promise automatically. If the function returns a promise, it will wait until it is resolved before moving on.

Tour Steps

Tour steps are extensions of Angular UI's Tooltips and therefore all options are available. Although there are 3 types of Tooltips, there is only one type of Tour Step. In addition, almost all of the Tour options can be overridden by individual tour steps, as well as additional options that can be changed.

To configure on a tour step declaration, use tour-step-<option-name>="optionValue"

Additional Options

Name Type Default Value Description
title string "" The title of the popup
content string "" The content of the popup. Note: can contain HTML
order number null The order in which the step will be displayed. Although it is optional, the behavior is undefined if this is not explicitly set.
enabled boolean true This will enable or disable the tour step.
fixed boolean false Is the element fixed (does not discover automatically ATM).
preventScrolling boolean false Should page scrolling be prevented when popup is shown (I don't recommend using this, but there are times when it is useful). Only works with a backdrop.
scrollIntoView boolean true Should the tour scroll the page so that the tour step is visible once it is shown. Set to false when you don't want any scrolling to occur.
nextStep string "" If the next step is on a different page, set this to declare the name of the next step.
nextPath string "" If the next step is on a different page, set this to the path of the next page. If useUiRouter is true, this will be the state name.
prevStep string "" If the previous step is on a different page, set this to declare the name of the previous step.
prevPath string "" If the previous step is on a different page, set this to the path of the previous page. If useUiRouter is true, this will be the state name.
templateUrl string "tour-step-template.html" Used as the template for the contents of the popup (see Angular UI Tooltip docs).

Best practice: always set the order so that the steps display in the expected order. Steps with the same order will display consecutively, but the order among them is unpredictable. At first, use increments of 10 so that if you need to add steps in the middle later you won't have to reorder everything.... Remember when code needed line numbers??? :)



uiTour is the container for the tour steps; all tour steps must be declared as descendants of uiTour. The declaration can be as simple as adding ui-tour to an element, or can include one or more options (shown above).


<body ui-tour>
    ... <!-- page content and tour steps -->

<div ui-tour ui-tour-on-start="onTourStart()" ui-tour-placement="bottom">
    ... <!-- page content and tour steps -->


tourSteps declare which elements should have a popup during the tour. They can be declared on any element, but some consideration should be taken when deciding which element on which to declare them.


<body ui-tour>
    <div id="mainMenu" tour-step tour-step-title="Main Menu" tour-step-content="Navigate the site using this menu." tour-step-order="0" tour-step-placement="right">...</div>
    <div id="settings" tour-step tour-step-title="Settings" tour-step-content="Click here to change your settings." tour-step-order="1">...</div>
    <div id="finalTourMessage" tour-step tour-step-title="Welcome!" tour-step-content="Enjoy using the app!" tour-step-order="1000" tour-step-orphan="true" tour-step-backdrop="true">...</div>

<!-- fixed element -->
<body ui-tour>
    <header style="position: fixed;" tour-step tour-step-title="Header" tour-step-content="This header is fixed at the top." tour-step-order="0" tour-step-fixed="true">...</header>

<!-- multi-page tour -->
<!-- layout -->
<body ui-tour>
    <!-- page 1: included using ngView (/page1) -->
    <div tour-step="page1step1" ... tour-step-next-path="page2" tour-step-next-step="page2step1">...</div>
    <!-- /page 1 -->
    <!-- page 2: ngView is populated when next step is requested after page1step1 -->
    <div tour-step="page2step1" ... tour-step-prev-path="page1" tour-step-prev-step="page1step1">...</div>

Tour API

The tour itself has a small API that can be used to control the flow of the tour. The tour object is available on the scope of the uiTour directive, and can be required as TourController in directives on or in the uiTour's subtree.

Method Description
start() Starts the tour by showing the first tour step.
Parameters: <none>
Returns: Promise Resolves after step is shown.
startAt() Starts the tour by showing the provided step.
Parameters: step Can be step object, step ID string, or step index
Returns: Promise Resolves after step is shown.
end() Ends the tour, calling start() again will start from the beginning.
Parameters: <none>
Returns: Promise Resolves after step is hidden.
pause() Pauses the tour by hiding the current step.
Parameters: <none>
Returns: Promise Resolves after step is hidden.
resume() Resumes the tour from the last shown step if it is paused.
Parameters: <none>
Returns: Promise Resolves after step is shown.
next() Hides the current step and shows the next one.
Parameters: <none>
Returns: Promise Resolves after next step is shown.
prev() Hides the current step and shows the previous one.
Parameters: <none>
Returns: Promise Resolves after previous step is shown.
goTo() Hides the current step and jumps to the provided one.
Parameters: step Can be step object, step ID string, or step index
Returns: Promise Resolved when provided step is shown, rejects if no step provided or found.

Tour Service

The uiTourService can be used for retrieving a reference to a tour object. There are three methods to retrieve the reference (note that they are all synchronous):

Method Description
getTour() If you have a single tour on your page, this is the easiest way to get the reference to it from a service or controller.
getTourByName(name) If you have multiple tours you can name them by supplying a value to the ui-tour attribute. This method allows you to retrieve a tour by name.
getTourByElement(element) If you want to know which tour is available to a specific element (in order to create a tour step, for example) you can pass the element into this method to retrieve the appropriate tour. This can be a DOM element, or jqLite object.
createDetachedTour(name, config) Creates a tour that is not associated with a DOM subtree. Steps can be added the detached tour by setting the tour-step-belongs-to attribute to the name of the tour. The config object will override global tour options just like a regular tour.

Tour Notifications

The tour itself is an event emitter that emits the following notifications. The difference between listening for notifications and setting lifecycle hook handlers as shown above is that these notifications are outside of the lifecycle of the tour. That means that the notification events are emitted, and then the tour moves on without waiting for any handlers to finish. By setting a lifecyle hook handler, the tour will wait for a handler to complete before moving on. If you simply need to know when something happened, use an event notification listener, but if you need to execute code before the tour moves continues, set an lifecycle hook handler.

Listen for the following events using this pattern:

tour.on('<notificationName>', function (data) {
    //your logic here
Notification Name Timing Data
initialized After config is set null
started Before the first step is shown first step
paused After current step is hidden current step
resumed Before current step is shown current step
ended After last step is hidden null
stepAdded After step is added to step list added step
stepRemoved After step is removed from step list removed step
stepsReordered After all steps have been ordered properly null
stepChanged After previous step is hidden, before next step is shown next step

Multiple Tours

If you need to have separate tours on your site there are a couple ways to achieve it. One way is to use separate ui-tour directives, and any tour steps defined within each subtree will belong to the respective tour. This is a fairly idealistic approach because it assumes that you can cleanly separate your tours. If you need to create multiple tours on the same subtree you have two options: use tour-step-enabled and set flags to enable/disable steps when the appropriate tour is running, or create one or more detached tours and assign steps to them. A detached tour is not associated with a DOM subtree, and steps must be explicitly assigned to it for them to display. Here is an example of how to set up a detached tour and assign steps:

angular.module('myModule', ['bm.uiTour']).run(['uiTourService', function (uiTourService) {
    uiTourService.createDetachedTour('myDetachedTour', {backdrop: true});
    //the second argument is a map that will override individual global tour options
<body ui-tour="myTour" ui-tour-backdrop="false">

    <div tour-step tour-step-title="Attached Step" tour-step-content="I belong to 'myTour' because I don't have a 'belongsTo' attribute.">
        This step belongs to it's ancestral tour, not the detached tour.
    <div tour-step tour-step-belongs-to="myDetachedTour" tour-step-title="Detached Step" tour-step-content="I belong to 'myDetachedTour' because I have specified my tour">
        This step belongs to "myDetachedTour" because it is specified, otherwise it would also belong to "myTour".

Setting a tour name for detached tours is required, but by adding a name to regular tours you can specify belongsTo for those as well. Any step that has a belongsTo attribute will ignore its ancestral tour, and a step can only belong to one tour.

Build It Yourself

Assuming you have Node, grunt, and bower installed:

npm install

bower install


Thanks and enjoy!


(The MIT License)

Copyright (c) 2014

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Product tour using Angular UI Bootstrap Tooltips






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  • JavaScript 56.5%
  • TypeScript 41.6%
  • HTML 1.9%