This project generates two artifacts:
- a .jar file that includes all you need to build your own java project that can respond to erlang's
function - an erlang dependency that provides a
server that you can implement via parse transform.
Here's what you need to know on the java side of things
If you want to expose a java method to erlang, it needs to be public, static and have argument and return types from the OTP JInterface library.
For reference, the JInterface package reference can be found here
You should be able to pull from Maven Central pretty soon with this:
{gen_java, [
{modules, [
{my_module, [
{jar, "/path/to/jar/file.jar"},
%% Default thread count is 10.
%% this is how big the java thread pool is
{thread_count, 10}
-compile({parse_transform, gen_java_parse_transform}).
Start gen_java with my_module:start_link()
or my_module:start()
. Those functions are free with the parse transform, so don't worry about it.
{my_module, start_link, []},
permanent, 5000, worker, [my_module]},
Don't call it a callback, 'cause it's not a behaviour. You can add an
hollaback to your module to do some initialization of your
JVM node. The only trick is that you have to use rpc:call/4
the gen_server
isn't started yet.
-spec init(atom()) -> ok.
init(Nodename) ->
rpc:call(Nodename, 'com.yourcompany.package', 'init', [<<SomeState>>]).
my_module:call('com.whatever.package.Class', 'methodName', ['arg', <<"other arg">>])
will return the value you want!
Worried about waiting forever? There's a call/4
that allows you to specify a timeout.
-spec method_name(atom(), binary()) -> my_return_type() | gen_java:badrpc().
method_name(Atom, Binary) ->
call('com.whatever.package.Class', 'methodName', [Atom, Binary]).
will have the same dialyzer return type as rpc:call/4
For fun, We provide gen_java:badrpc()
for you to use in addition to
your expected return type. This will let you just append | gen_java:badrpc()
to your spec and then fuggedaboudit.
easy peasy
%% @doc java.lang.System.getProperties()
-spec system_properties() -> [{atom(), binary()}].
%% @doc java.lang.System.getenv()
-spec system_env() -> [{binary(), binary()}].
%% @doc command line $JAVA_OPTS. (e.g. -Xmx512m)
-spec input_arguments() -> binary().