An Ember CLI add-on that wraps Tooltipster into an ember component. The component supports only the basic options. Pull requests are welcome.
# install via npm
$ npm install ember-cli-tooltipster --save-dev
# run blueprint to fetch dependencies
$ ember g ember-cli-tooltipster
###with options
You can also easily extend the component to modify it to your needs (e.g a button component)
Just import TooltipsterComponent
into your component and extend it
import TooltipsterComponent from 'ember-cli-tooltipster/components/tool-tipster';
export default TooltipsterComponent.extend({
tagName: 'button',
classNames: ['my-button-class'],
// define properties
title: 'My tooltip',
position: 'left',
// example using one of the advanced options - check docs below
functionInit: function(origin, content) {
return "this value will become the content of the tooltip";
Then in your template.
That's it now your button will have a nice tooltip on the left.
When using tooltipster, the following options are available:
Type: String
Default: fade
Determines how the tooltip will animate in and out.
Available Options: [fade, grow, swing, slide, fall]
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Adds the "speech bubble arrow" to the tooltip.
Type:hex code / rgb
Default: will inherit the tooltip's background color
Select a specific color for the "speech bubble arrow".
Type: String, jQuery object
Default: null
If set, this will override the content of the tooltip.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
If the content of the tooltip is provided as a string, it is displayed as plain text by default. If this content should actually be interpreted as HTML, set this option to true.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Tooltipster logs notices into the console when you're doing something you ideally shouldn't be doing. Set to false to disable logging.
Type: Number
Default: 300
Delay how long it takes (in milliseconds) for the tooltip to start animating in.
Type: Number
Default: 0
(auto width)
Set a minimum width for the tooltip.
Type: Number
Default null
(no max width)
Set a maximum width for the tooltip.
Type: Number
Default: 0
Offsets the tooltip (in pixels) farther left/right from the origin.
Type: Number
Default: 0
Offsets the tooltip (in pixels) farther up/down from the origin.
Type: String
Default: top
Set the position of the tooltip.
Available options: [right, left, top, top-right, top-left, bottom, bottom-right, bottom-left]
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Will reposition the tooltip if the origin moves. As this option may have an impact on performance, we suggest you enable it only if you need to.
Type: Number
Default: 0
How long the tooltip should be allowed to live before closing.
Type: String
(CSS class)
Default: tooltipster-default
Set the theme used for your tooltip.
Type: String
Default: hover
Set how tooltips should be activated and closed.
Available options: [hover, click]
Type: Boolean
Default: true
If a tooltip is open while its content is updated, play a subtle animation when the content changes.
To be able to use the advanced options you need to extend the component and implement the functions. For more information check the examples on Tooltipster Docs
Type: Function
Default: function(origin, content) {}
Create a custom function to be fired only once at instantiation. If the function returns a value, this value will become the content of the tooltip
Type: Function
Default: function(origin, continueTooltip) { continueTooltip(); }
Create a custom function to be fired before the tooltip opens. This function may prevent or hold off the opening.
Type: Function
Default: function(origin, tooltip) {}
Create a custom function to be fired when the tooltip and its contents have been added to the DOM.
Type: Function
Default: function(origin) {}
Create a custom function to be fired once the tooltip has been closed and removed from the DOM.
Type: Function
Default: A function that will close the tooltip if the trigger is 'hover' and autoClose is false.
Called after the tooltip has been repositioned by the position tracker (if enabled).