Some examples that can be used to get started with unit tests in Python. Mostly this project demonstrates different mocking scenarios. Full a description of available features see Python documentation pages listed in the references below.
Because copying code is better than writing code!
The tests should have fairly explanatory names to hint the exemplified scenario. Run the test by stepping into the root directory of the project and running
$ python -m unittest discover test
More generally, you can run tests from anywhere
$ PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:path/to/your/code python -m unittest discover path/to/your/tests
Assuming you are in the project root of this project, you can run a specific test suite like this
Or, a specific test case of a specific test suite like this
$ PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:. python test/ TestInstanceMethods.test_instanceMethodArg
Adding current path "." to 'PYTHONPATH' seems to be necessary or the Python interpreter won't find the code under test.