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joric edited this page Jan 12, 2024 · 70 revisions

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This firmware is for the right half of the Mitosis keyboard, there's no bluetosis firmware for the left half. Left half runs stock mitosis firmware by reversebias (as on the original Mitosis).

Please note this is proof of concept firmware, it not stable it's not functional it eats battery and nobody supports/fixes it. Try ZMK/nRF5840 projects if you want something usable.


Security is still limited to hardcoded 32-bit Gazell channel numbers (0x01020304 and 0x05060708, please change them in the code).

Mitosis firmware runs on nRF51822 QFAA modules (YJ-14015) that have 16KB of RAM and QFAC modules (Core51822) that have 32KB of RAM. I write and debug on YJ-14015 so it probably will work with the other cheap modules as well.

Name MCU Flash Ram
YJ-14015 nRF51822 QFAA 128KB 16KB
Core51822 nRF51822 QFAC 256KB 32KB

Battery life was not really tested but the keyboard turns completely off after a few minutes of inactivity and wakes up on hardware interrupt (any key) so it should be fine.

This firmware does NOT support QMK. See nRF52 QMK fork for nRF5x-based keyboards. Another fork that supports 16K nRF51-based modules is still in progress. BlueMicro_BLE firmware uses 128-bit UUID and BLEUart instead of Gazell, but it does not support nRF51822 at all, it's nRF52833 and nRF52840 only, those MCUs are very different internally.

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