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Viktor Söderqvist edited this page Oct 22, 2019 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Gradualizer wiki!


Gradualizer crashed!

Gradualizer is still in alpha so all features of Erlang are not supported yet. With that said, we are always looking for good test cases! Open a new issue or post your crash in a relevant existing issue and we will take a look! If you can, provide us with a way of running the crashing code - be it by minimizing the crashing code or by linking to a well configured open source repository. See also Known problems.

What files does Gradualizer check?

Gradualizer only checks the files you explicitly tell it to. This is documented in for the CLI and the Erlang shell. How files are included when using rebar3 is documented in examples/rebar3/

To find the specifications of other modules than the one currently being checked, Gradualizer uses the Erlang code path. When using rebar3, Gradualizer augments the code path automatically, whereas the CLI requires you to provide the --path-add option, and the shell that you call code:add_path (or one of its variants). As expected, the .erlang is also respected and the code paths it adds will be used.